Communications Archive

Past information for generation suppliers

This page contains archives of previous announcements.


Supplier Meeting With PPL Supplier Coordination (02/10/2025)

Communication#: 20250210-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Supplier Meeting With PPL Supplier Coordination

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of Informational Meeting


We are scheduling a quarterly Supplier Information meeting on 2/26/2025, from 1pm - 3pm (EST).

The topics we plan on discussing are:

  • Supplier Portal
  • Rejection Codes
  • DSP-VI

Please inform us no later than Friday, 2/21/2025, of any additional topics you would like to discuss at the meeting. You can submit your request(s) to

Action Needed:

Please use the Zoom link below to join the meeting or call using meeting ID and Passcode.

One tap mobile: US: +19292056099,,84147113725# or +16699006833,,84147113725#

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 841 4711 3725

Passcode: 318085

Join by Telephone

For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.

Dial: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

888 475 4499 US Toll-free

877 853 5257 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 841 4711 3725


Missing Interval Issue for 867IU EDI Transactions (12/08/2024)

Communication#: 20241213-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Missing Interval Issue for 867IU EDI Transactions from December 9 – UPDATE

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of Incorrect Interval Usage - UPDATE


There was an issue that impacted 867IU EDI transactions from batch on December 9. Approximately 4,600 867IU transactions were sent with incorrect interval usage. The invalid 867IU transactions that were sent have been canceled and a corrected 867IU transaction will be submitted to correct the issue in the next few days.

Action Needed:

Informational Only
Standard Offer Participation (11/14/2024)

Communication#: 20241114-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List




PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the December 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025, Standard Offer period (Docket No. P-2020-3019356). If you participated in the Standard Offer Participation program for June 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024, and want to do so for the new period starting December 1, 2024, you will need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating for the new period. No New Binding agreement is needed. If you are changing your choice of customer group, a New Binding agreement will be required.

If you have not participated in the Standard Offer Program since June 1, 2021, you must submit a NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website. Please notify PPL of participation via the Supplier Email: We no longer require hard copies of these forms to be sent to PPL via US Postal Service. Please make sure the electronic forms are signed.

November 21, 2024 - Deadline to submit participation and notify PPL Electric to participate in each customer group for December 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025, and NEW Binding Agreement Participation Form if needed.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025:

Residential PTC = 10.771
Small C&I PTC = 10.446

Please note the naming of the rates have been updated to go along with changes to the program:

Residential Rate Code SOR1P5 = 10.017
Small C&I Rate Code SOS1P5 = 9.714

Action Needed:

Notify PPL EU if you wish to participate.
Provide New Binding Agreement form if needed.
Price to Compare/SOP Rates Effective December 1, 2024 (11/1/2024)

Communication#: 20241101-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the December 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025, Standard Offer period (Docket No. P-2020-3019356). If you participated in the Standard Offer Participation program for June 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024, and want to do so for the new period starting December 1, 2024, you will need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating for the new period. No New Binding agreement is needed. If you are changing your choice of customer group, a New Binding agreement will be required.

If you have not participated in the Standard Offer Program since June 1, 2021, you must submit a NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website.

Please notify PPL of participation via the Supplier Email: We no longer require hard copies of these forms to be sent to PPL via US Postal Service. Please make sure the electronic forms are signed.

November 21, 2024 - Deadline to submit participation and notify PPL Electric to participate in each customer group for December 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025, and NEW Binding Agreement Participation Form if needed.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025:

Residential PTC = 10.771
Small C&I PTC = 10.446

Please note the naming of the rates have been updated to go along with changes to the program:

Residential Rate Code SOR1P5 = 10.017
Small C&I Rate Code SOS1P5 = 9.714

Action Needed:

Notify PPL EU if you wish to participate.
Provide New Binding Agreement form if needed.
Account Number Search Issue in Supplier Portal (9/13/2024)

Communication#: 20240913-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List


Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of Issue with Account Number Search

PPL Electric Utilities is aware of an issue with the ability to look up account numbers in the Supplier Portal.
We are working to resolve this issue within the next week.

Action Needed:

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Rd
Allentown, PA 18104

Supplier Email:
Visit Us@
Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions (7/26/2024)

Communication#: 20240726-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List


Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in EDI transactions

Due to a delay in processing files, the bill window will be automatically extended today.  We don't have an ETA at this point as to when they will be sent. 

Action Needed:

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Rd
Allentown, PA 18104

Supplier Email:
Visit Us@


2024 ICAP Tags (5/22/2024)

Communication#: 20240522-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 2024 ICAP TAGS

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of 2024 ICAP tags availability 

ICAP tags that are effective 6/1/2024 are now available on the Supplier Portal. Between 5/25/24 and 5/27/24 we will transmit 814 EDI Change transactions (AMTKC) to the current supplier, pending supplier, and pending inactive supplier on customer accounts on 5/8/24. If you submit a supplier enrollment after 5/8/24, you can access the 2024 ICAP values on the Supplier Portal under the "Request ICAP and NITS" selection or on the "Eligible Customer List." The future value also will be populated on the Historical Usage, and Historical Interval Usage EDI transactions. PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THE 814 CHANGE TRANSACTIONS.  The large number of responses can cause a CSS Batch processing issue.

Action Needed:
Monitor 814 Change transactions.  PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THE 814 CHANGE TRANSACTIONS. 

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Rd
Allentown, PA 18104

Supplier Email:
Visit Us@


Standard Offer Participation (5/3/2024)


Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List




PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the June 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024, Standard Offer period (Docket No. P-2020-3019356).

If you participated in the Standard Offer Participation program for December 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024, and want to do so for the new period starting June 1, 2024, you will need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating for the new period. No New Binding agreement is needed.  If you are changing your choice of customer group, a New Binding agreement will be required.

If you have not participated in the Standard Offer Program since June 1, 2021, you must submit a NEW BINDING AGREEMENT.  This can be found on our website.

Please notify PPL of participation via the Supplier Email: We no longer require hard copies of these forms to be sent to PPL via US Postal Service. Please make sure the electronic forms are signed.

May 24, 2024 - Deadline to submit participation and notify PPL Electric to participate in each customer group for June 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024, and NEW Binding Agreement Participation Form if needed.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024:
Residential PTC = 10.040
Small C&I PTC = 9.237

Please note the naming of the rates have been updated to go along with changes to the program:
Residential Rate Code SOR2P4 = 9.337
Small C&I Rate Code SOS2P4 = 8.590

Action Needed:
Notify PPL EU if you wish to participate.
Provide New Binding Agreement form if needed.

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Rd
Allentown, PA 18104

Supplier Email:
Visit Us@


Notify Suppliers Of An Issue With The Supplier Portal User Message Confirmation Email (4/18/24)

Communication#: 20240418-3

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Supplier Portal Issue: User Message Confirmation

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of an issue with the Supplier Portal User Message Confirmation email


PPL Electric Utilities deployed an update to the User Message Confirmation feature in the PPL Supplier Portal on April 17, 2024 at 10:00 p.m. This update was intended to give users additional information in the email so that they can easily discern which user logon and which supplier the User Confirmation email is related to.


Unfortunately, there was a deployment issue which resulted in the generation of duplicate emails being sent to the individual users in the supplier community every one to two minutes since the deployment last night.

We believe the issue has been resolved as of 12:30 p.m. today. If any suppliers continued to receive a duplicate User Message Confirmation email after 12:30 p.m. EST, please contact us at

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Action Needed: For your information only. Delete duplicate emails.

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Rd
Allentown, PA 18104

Supplier Email:
Visit Us@


Eligible customer list ECL update (4/18/2024)

Communication#: 20240301-2


Contact Categories:

Subject: Eligible Customer List (ECL) Triennial Update

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of 2024 Eligible Customer List Triennial Update


PPL Electric Utilities has started the triennial Eligible Customer List update process. As a result, the current Eligible Customer List has been archived and will not be updated between 2/25/24 and 4/21/24. The file as of the 2/25/24 update will be available in the Supplier Portal. Once the triennial process is completed the weekly updates will resume on 4/21/24.

Action Needed: Informational Only

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Rd
Allentown, PA 18104

Supplier Email:
Visit Us@


Supplier Portal Web Inquiry Response issue (4/12/2024)

Communication#: 20240412-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Supplier Portal Web Inquiry Response issue

Purpose of Communication: To notify suppliers that PPL Electric Utilities is aware that Web inquiry responses are temporarily not available in the PPL

Supplier Portal Facts:

On April 10, 2024, PPL Electric Utilities became aware that suppliers were not able to access Web Inquiry Status for inquiries they previously submitted. When PPL Electric completes a supplier’s web inquiry, an email is sent to the supplier to notify them that a response is available. The link included in these emails was inaccessible and the Web Inquiry Status was not available on the supplier portal either.

We have escalated this issue to our IT department, and they are working toward a complete resolution.

As of April 12, 2024, the Web Inquiry Status is available by searching on the supplier portal. For existing inquiries, please search there, rather than clicking the link in the email. You can also email us directly at

Action Needed: Informational Only

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Rd
Allentown, PA 18104

Supplier Email:
Visit Us@

Notice of Default service filing (4/8/2024)

Communication#: 20240408-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Notice of Default Service Filing

Purpose of Communication: To notify suppliers that PPL Electric Utilities has filed its Default Service Plan with the PA PUC.


On March 12, 2024, PPL Electric filed its Petition for Approval of a Default Service Program and Procurement Plan for the Period June 1, 2025, through May 31, 2029, with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. A copy of the full filing is available for review on the Company’s website.

Action Needed:
Informational only

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Rd
Allentown, PA 18104

Supplier Email:
Visit Us @


Eligible customer list ECL (3/01/2024)

Communication#: 20240418-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Eligible Customer List (ECL) Triennial - new release date

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of 2024 Eligible Customer List Triennial Update 

PPL Electric Utilities has started the triennial Eligible Customer List update process. As a result, the current Eligible Customer List has been archived and will not be updated between 2/25/24 and 5/26/24. The file as of the 2/25/24 update will be available in the Supplier Portal. Once the triennial process is completed the weekly updates will resume on 5/26/24.

Action Needed: Informational Only

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Rd
Allentown, PA 18104

Supplier Email:
Visit Us@



Delayed Billing / EDI Transactions Related to 11/8/23 Delay and Related EDI Responses (11/21/2023)

Communication#: 20231120-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing / EDI Transactions Related to 11/8/23 Delay and Related EDI Responses

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers that the 814HI requests sent during the delayed batch days have not been processed.

Facts: Due to a delay in processing files that started with November 8, 2023, inbound request files, the 814HI requests and related 867HIU responses have not been processed.

We are not able to regenerate 867HIU transactions that were previously transmitted. For any account requiring historical interval data, please resubmit an EDI request. Note the maximum 867HIU transactions per day, per supplier is 250 for this batch of HIU requests. Please adhere to that limit so we do not have further batch delays.

Action Needed: Resubmit the 814HI requests to PPL Electric Utilities that have not received a response transaction.

Rolling 10-Day Files in PPL Electric Supplier Portal (11/21/2023)

Communication#: 20231120-3

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Rolling 10-Day Files in PPL Electric Supplier Portal

Purpose of Communication: Supplier update related to PPL Electric job processing issues that caused the rolling 10-day files to abend.

Facts: Over the past month and a half, PPL Electric Utilities has noticed job processing conflicts with the rolling 10-day job and other conflicting jobs resulting in aborted or incomplete jobs.

PPL Electric’s IT and Meter Data Management teams are continuing to work on a code change that will address the processing time while ensuring that the correct accounts are included in the rolling 10-day files. We have been producing files for 10 days since November 4, 2023. However, the dates of the files are not always the correct 10 days and we are missing accounts that should be included in the files.

We will notify suppliers when we believe the reports are accurate and timely.

Sorry for the inconvenience this issue has caused.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

EDI 814 Response Transactions Not Sent 9/25/23 (11/16/2023)

Communication#: 20231116-5

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: EDI 814 Response Transactions Not Sent 9/25/23

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers that on 9/25/23, PPL Electric processed the inbound request transactions, but there was an issue that prevented the EDI outbound response file from being sent to suppliers.

Facts: On September 25, 2023, PPL Electric Utilities processed the inbound Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) change requests and Summary Interval Usage (IU) requests transactions, but there was an issue that prevented the EDI outbound response file from being sent to the suppliers.

This issue impacted 2042 EDI response transactions across thirty-four suppliers.

PPL Electric met with our EDI provider to understand the root cause, an invalid transaction type caused the EDI file failure and EDI transactions were not sent to the suppliers.

After our review, we authorized our EDI provider to send out the related responses so suppliers will have the missing transactions, by the end of day, November 17.

If you haven’t received a response and submitted a subsequent change, please note that the original change request was processed on September 25, 2023, and the effective date would be tied to the original transaction process date.

We have taken the following action to ensure that this does not happen again:

  • We worked with our EDI provider to update their existing outbound controls.
  • In addition, we are investigating a permanent solution that would identify and remove the invalid transactions prior to processing the transactions in CSS, so the invalid transaction does not get sent to our EDI provider for the response file.

Action Needed: Watch for the EDI response file. The responses will have the original transactions cross referenced so it can be matched to your original transaction.

Final Reminder (11/15/2023)

Communication#: 20231115-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Final Reminder

Purpose of Communication: Standard Offer participation.

Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the December 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024, Standard Offer period (Docket No. P-2020-3019356).

If you participated in the Standard Offer Participation program for June 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023, and want to do so for the new period starting December 1, 2023, you will need to notify us or we will assume you are not participating for the new period. No new binding agreement is needed. If you are changing your choice of customer group, a new binding agreement will be required.

If you have not participated in the Standard Offer Program since June 1, 2021, you must submit a NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website.

Please notify PPL Electric of participation via the supplier email: We no longer require hard copies of these forms to be sent to PPL Electric via US Postal Service. Please make sure the electronic forms are signed.

November 22, 2023, is the deadline to submit participation and notify PPL Electric to participate in each customer group for December 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024, and new binding agreement participation form if needed.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024:

Residential PTC = 11.028

Small C&I PTC = 11.386

Please note the naming of the rates have been updated to go along with changes to the program:

Residential Rate Code SOR1P4 = 10.256

Small C&I Rate Code SOS1P4 = 10.588

Action Needed: Notify PPL Electric if you wish to participate. Provide a new binding agreement form if needed.

Delayed Billing / EDI Transactions (11/13/2023)

Communication#: 20231113-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing / EDI Transactions

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers of delay in EDI transactions.

Facts: Due to a delay in processing files, the bill window will be automatically extended today. We don't have an ETA at this point as to when they will be sent.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Delayed Billing / EDI Transactions (11/10/2023)

Communication#: 20231110-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing / EDI Transactions

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers of delay in EDI transactions.

Facts: Due to a delay in processing files, the bill window will be automatically extended today. We don't have an ETA at this point as to when they will be sent.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Rolling 10-Day Files in PPL Electric Supplier Portal (11/6/2023)

Communication#: 20231106-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Rolling 10-Day Files in PPL Electric Supplier Portal — 11/4/23 Deployment Did Not Correct Issue

Purpose of Communication: Supplier update related to PPL Electric Utilities job processing issues – which caused the Rolling 10-day files to abend.

Facts: Over the past few weeks, PPL Electric Utilities has noticed job processing conflicts with the rolling 10-Day job and other conflicting jobs resulting in aborted or incomplete jobs.

We implemented a code update on November 4, 2023, to address the processing conflicts that have been causing the rolling 10-Day files to abend occasionally. That did not work as anticipated. We are continuing to investigate the code and will try to deploy again this evening 11/6/23. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Price to Compare/SOP Rates Effective December 1, 2023 (11/3/2023)

Communication#: 20231103-5

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Price to Compare/SOP Rates Effective December 1, 2023

Purpose of Communication: Standard Offer Program Participation.

Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the December 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024 Standard Offer Program period (Docket No. P-2020-3019356).

If you participated in the Standard Offer Participation program for June 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023 and want to do so for the new period starting December 1, 2023, you will need to notify us. Otherwise, we'll assume you're not participating for the new period. No new binding agreement is needed. If you are changing your choice of customer group, a new binding agreement will be required.

If you have not participated in the Standard Offer Program since June 1, 2021, you must submit a NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website.

Please notify PPL Electric of participation via the supplier email at: We no longer require hard copies of these forms to be sent to PPL Electric via US Postal Service. Please make sure the electronic forms are signed.November 22, 2023 is the deadline to submit participation and notify PPL Electric to participate in each customer group for December 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024 and NEW binding agreement participation form if needed.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the period December 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024:

Residential PTC = 11.028

Small C&I PTC = 11.386

Please note the naming of the rates have been updated to go along with changes to the program:

Residential Rate Code SOR1P4 = 10.256

Small C&I Rate Code SOS1P4 = 10.588

Action Needed: Please notify PPL Electric if you wish to participate. Provide a new binding agreement form if needed.

Rolling 10-Day Files in PPL Electric Supplier Portal (11/3/2023)

Communication#: 20231103-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Rolling 10-Day Files in PPL Electric Supplier Portal

Purpose of Communication: Supplier update related to PPL Electric job processing issues – which caused the rolling 10-day files to abend.

Facts: Over the past few weeks, PPL Electric Utilities has noticed job processing conflicts with the Rolling 10-Day job and other conflicting jobs resulting in aborted or incomplete jobs.

On Sunday, October 22, 2023, the files for October 11-20 were created. As of October 20, we paused the Rolling 10-Day job to review the code and try to gain additional processing efficiency. We will not be sending daily files this week.

We are planning to implement a code update Saturday, November 4, 2023, to address the processing conflicts that have been causing the Rolling 10-Day files to abend occasionally.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Rolling 10-Day Files in PPL Electric Supplier Portal (10/24/2023)

Communication#: 20231024-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Rolling 10-Day Files in PPL Electric Supplier Portals

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers that PPL Electric is experiencing job processing issues — which caused the Rolling 10-day files to abend.

Facts: Over the past few weeks, PPL Electric Utilities has noticed job processing conflicts with the rolling 10-day job and other conflicting jobs resulting in aborted or incomplete jobs.

On Sunday, October 22, 2023, the files for October 11 through 20 were created. As of October 20, we paused the rolling 10-day job to review the code and try to gain additional processing efficiency. We will not be sending daily files this week.

We are working with our IT team to review the code and other job dependencies and hope to have updated files next weekend.

PPL Electric will send an updated communication as soon as we have a solution.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

867IU EDI 9/7/23 Missing Intervals (10/13/2023)

Communication#: 20231013-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 867IU EDI 9/7/23 Missing Intervals

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers that PPL Electric had a processing issue 9/5/23 which impacted the 867IU (interval) transactions sent 9/7/23.

Facts: On 9/5/23, there was a processing issue that affected EDI transactions sent to suppliers on 9/7/23. The CSS interval (IU) job ran before the MDMS interval (IU) job was completed. The impact is that the EDI 867IU (interval) transactions that were sent to suppliers had incomplete interval data for the bill period. This issue impacted 5,100 accounts with 867IU (interval) transactions, across 33 suppliers.

PPL Electric plans to initiate a cancel/rebill for these accounts by the week ending 10/15/23.

PPL Electric has taken the following action to ensure that this does not happen again:

  • We are working with our IT team to review batch job dependencies and we are looking to update the job scheduler to ensure that all predecessor relationships are enforced prior to the next job beginning.
  • In addition, we are analyzing the existing controls to see if they can be enhanced to catch the issue before the processing begins.

Action Needed: Watch for the cancel and related rebills. There may be more than one bill cycle affected for each account.

For rate ready accounts, PPL Electric will generate a new 867 IU transaction as well as a new 810 rate ready transaction.

For bill ready accounts, suppliers will need to resubmit the supplier charges.

For dual billing accounts, suppliers will need rebill the customers if interval data is used for billing purposes.

Enrollment Issues/NCC Rejections (7/13/2023)

Communication#: 20230713-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Enrollment Issues/NCC Rejections

Purpose of Communication: Notification of Enrollment Issues/NCC Rejections.

Facts: There was a system issue on 5/22/23 that impacted the enrollment activation. This is causing invalid NCC rejections for 810’s in EDI. Our IT Department is working on activating the supplier on the accounts. When this is resolved, we will cancel/rebill any affected bills to correct. We have identified additional accounts with the same issues for prior effective dates that we are continuing to investigate.

Action Needed: This is informational only – If you have any questions, please submit a Web Inquiry using the Supplier Portal. We will respond as soon as possible.

Billing Progress (6/23/2023)

Communication#: 20230623-1

Distribution: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Billing Progress

Purpose of Communication: Update on PPL Electric Billing Progress 6-23-23.

Facts: To date, PPL Electric has made significant progress in resuming normal billing operations, and we have fully completed billing for 97% of total impacted customers. A summary of the remaining accounts to be billed current is displayed at the very bottom. We will be working to complete these accounts as quickly as possible. This will be our last update as the vast majority of impacted customers are now resolved.

867HIU Cancel/Rebill Progress

As previously communicated, due to an inability to correctly bill supplier’s charges on one or more bills, PPL Electric has cancelled approximately 86,000 HIU accounts.

As of 6/22/23, approximately 84,342 accounts are re-billed up to their current period.

No-Bill Update

The technical issues PPL Electric experienced resulted in various system exceptions that has resulted in a group of approximately 48,000 customers that have not received a bill for one or more months.

As of 6/22/23 PPL Electric has fully completed billing on approximately 46,255 accounts.

Remaining Accounts

Customer Category Accounts to Resolve 
 Large Power 10 
Small Commercial/Industrial 1,656 
Residential (Not Low Income)  2,186 
 Residential (Low Income) 195 
Total  4,047

Action Needed: This is informational only.

10 Day Rolling Data Issue (6/21/2023)

Communication#: 20230621-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 10 Day Rolling Data Issue

Purpose of Communication: Status of 10 Day Rolling Data via the Supplier Portal.

Facts: The 10 day Rolling Option in the PPL Electric Supplier Portal has been restored.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Bill Progress (6/19/2023)

Communication#: 20230619-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Billing Progress

Purpose of Communication: Update on PPL Billing Progress 6-16-23.

Facts: To date, PPL Electric has made significant progress in resuming normal billing operations, and we have fully completed billing for 97% of total impacted customers.

867HIU Cancel/Rebill Progress

As previously communicated, due to an inability to correctly bill supplier’s charges on one or more bills, PPL Electric has cancelled approximately 86,000 HIU accounts.

As of 6/15/23, approximately 83,600 accounts are re-billed up to their current period.

No-Bill Update

The technical issues PPL Electric experienced resulted in various system exceptions that has resulted in a group of approximately 48,000 customers that have not received a bill for one or more months.

As of 6/15/23 PPL Electric has fully completed billing on approximately 46,000 accounts.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Bill Progress (6/9/2023)

Communication#: 20230609-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Billing Progress

Purpose of Communication: Update on PPL Billing Progress 6-9-23.

Facts: To date, PPL Electric has made significant progress in resuming normal billing operations, and we have fully completed billing for 95% of total impacted customers.

867HIU Cancel/Rebill progress

As previously communicated, due to an inability to correctly bill supplier’s charges on one or more bills, PPL Electric has cancelled approximately 86,000 HIU accounts.

As of 6/8/23, approximately 82,000 accounts are re-billed up to their current period.

No-Bill Update

The technical issues PPL Electric experienced resulted in various system exceptions that has resulted in a group of approximately 48,000 customers that have not received a bill for one or more months.

As of 6/8/23 PPL Electric has fully completed billing on approximately 45,500 accounts.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Bill Cancellation and Reissuance (6/5/2023)

Communication#: 20230605-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Bill Cancellation and Reissuance

Purpose of Communication: Update on PPL Billing Progress 6-2-23.

Facts:  To date, PPL Electric has made significant progress in resuming normal billing operations, and we have fully completed billing for 92% of total impacted customers.

867HIU Cancel/Rebill progress

As previously communicated, due to an inability to correctly bill supplier’s charges on one or more bills, PPL Electric has cancelled approximately 86,000 HIU accounts.

As of 6/1/23, approximately 78,757 accounts are re-billed up to their current period.

No-Bill Update

The technical issues PPL experienced resulted in various system exceptions that has resulted in a group of approximately 48,000 customers that have not received a bill for one or more months.

As of 6/1/23, PPL has fully completed billing on approximately 44,610 accounts.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

10 Day Rolling Data Issue (6/5/2023)

Communication#: 20230605-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Registered EGS, Other

Contact Categories: Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List, Accounts Payable

Subject: 10 Day Rolling Data Issue

Purpose of Communication: Status of 10 day rolling data via the supplier portal.

Facts:  During routine server patching/maintenance on Sunday, 5/21/23, PPL Electric discovered some performance issues related to the 10 Day Rolling data that is available to subscribed suppliers on a daily basis. PPL Electric had to temporarily suspend the job that saves 10 Day Rolling interval data to the PPL Electric Supplier Portal. Every effort will be made to restore the missing interval data files.

As a reminder, interval data can also be pulled on an account by account basis from the supplier portal using the “Request Account Usage Summary” option.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Bill Cancellation and Reissuance (5/26/2023)

Communication#: 20230526-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Bill Cancellation and Reissuance

Purpose of Communication: Update on PPL Electric billing progress, 5-26-23.

Facts:  To date, PPL Electric has made significant progress in resuming normal billing operations, and we have fully completed billing for 89% of total impacted customers.

867HIU Cancel/Rebill progress

As previously communicated, due to an inability to correctly bill supplier’s charges on one or more bills, PPL has cancelled approximately 86,000 HIU accounts.

As of 5/25/23, approximately 76,407 accounts are re-billed up to their current period.

No-Bill Update

The technical issues PPL Electric experienced resulted in various system exceptions that has resulted in a group of approximately 48,000 customers that have not received a bill for one or more months. PPL Electric has previously been reporting the no-bill progress against an entire population of nearly 55,000 customers. Subsequent analysis revealed that rapid recovery efforts resulted in approximately 6,600 customers in that group received their monthly bills within their respective months. Consequently, we are removing them from this tracking mechanism.

As of 5/25/23 PPL Electric has fully completed billing on approximately 43,576 accounts.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Final Reminder (5/22/2023)

Communication#: 20230522-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Final Reminder

Purpose of Communication: Standard Offer Program Participation.

Facts:  PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the June 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023 standard offer period. (Docket No. P-2020-3019356).

PPL Electric is requesting suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, please submit a NEW BINDING AGREEMENT unless one was submitted as of May 2021. This can be found on our website. Please notify PPL Electric of participation via the supplier email: We no longer require hard copies of these forms to be sent to PPL Electric via US Postal Service. Please make sure the electronic forms are signed.

If you have participated in the program during this current period and want to participate in the next period, you must notify us. If notification is not received, you will be removed from participation for the period.

Now - May 24, 2023 Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL Electric.

May 24, 2023 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the June 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023 period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2023 - November 30, 2023:

Residential PTC = 12.126

Small C&I PTC = 11.689

Please note the naming of the rates have been updated to go along with changes to the program:

Residential Rate Code SOR2P3 = 11.277

Small C&I Rate Code SOS2P3 = 10.870

Action Needed: We are requesting a new binding agreement with your participation request by May 24, 2023, unless one was submitted as of May 2021.

Bill Cancellation and Reissuance (5/19/2023)

Communication#: 20230519-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Bill Cancellation and Reissuance

Purpose of Communication: Update on PPL Electric Billing Progress 5-19-23.

Facts:  To date, PPL Electric has made significant progress in resuming normal billing operations, and we have fully completed billing for 87% of total impacted customers.

867HIU Cancel/Rebill progress

As previously communicated, due to an inability to correctly bill supplier’s charges on one or more bills, PPL has cancelled approximately 86,000 HIU accounts.

As of 5/18/23, approximately 74,460 accounts are re-billed up to their current period.

No-Bill Update

The technical issues PPL experienced resulted in various system exceptions that has resulted in a group of approximately 55,000 customers that have not received a bill for one or more months.

As of 5/18/23, PPL has fully completed billing on approximately 48,941 accounts.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

2023 ICAP Tags (5/19/2023)

Communication#: 20230519-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 2023 ICAP Tags

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers of 2023 ICAP tags availability.

Facts:  ICAP tags that are effective 6/1/2023 are now available on the Supplier Portal.

Between 5/19/23 and 5/21/23 we will transmit 814 EDI Change transactions (AMTKC) to the current supplier, pending supplier, and pending inactive supplier on customer accounts on 5/9/23.

If you submit a supplier enrollment after 5/9/23, you can access the 2023 ICAP values on the Supplier Portal under the "Request ICAP and NITS" selection or on the "Eligible Customer List."

The future value also will be populated on the Historical Usage, and Historical Interval Usage EDI transactions.

Action Needed: You DO NOT need to send in a response to this change transaction.


Communication#: 20230511-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers of delay in EDI transactions.

Facts: Due to a delay in processing files, the bill window will be automatically extended today. We don't have an ETA at this point as to when they will be sent.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Bill Cancelation and Reissuance (5/5/2023)

Communication#: 20230505-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Bill Cancelation and Reissuance

Purpose of Communication: Update on 867HIU cancel/rebill progress.

Facts: As previously communicated, due to an inability to correctly bill supplier’s charges on one or more bills, PPL Electric has cancelled approximately 86,000 HIU accounts.

As of 5/4/23, approximately 67,249 accounts are re-billed up to their current period.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Price to Compare / Standard Offer Program Rates Effective June 1, 2023 (5/2/2023)

Communication#: 20230502-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Price to Compare / Standard Offer Program Rates Effective June 1, 2023

Purpose of Communication: Standard Offer Participation

Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the June 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023 Standard Offer period (Docket No. P-2020-3019356).

PPL Electric is requesting suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, must submit a NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website. Please notify PPL Electric of participation via the Supplier Email: We no longer require hard copies of these forms to be sent to PPL via US Postal Service. Please make sure the electronic forms are signed.

May 24, 2023 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for June 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023:

Residential PTC = 12.126

Small C&I PTC = 11.689

Please note the naming of the rates have been updated to go along with changes to the program:

Residential Rate Code SOR2P3 = 11.277

Small C&I Rate Code SOS2P3 = 10.870

Action Needed: We are requesting a new binding agreement with your participation request.

Bill Cancellation and Reissuance (5/1/2023)

Communication#: 20230501-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Bill Cancellation and Reissuance

Purpose of Communication: Update on 867HIU Cancel/Rebill progress.

Facts:As previously communicated, due to an inability to correctly bill supplier’s charges on one or more bills, PPL has cancelled approximately 86,000 HIU accounts.

As of 4/27/23, approximately 61,024 accounts are re-billed up to their current period.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Bill Cancellation and Reissuance (4/26/2023)

Communication#: 20230426-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Bill Cancellation and Reissuance

Purpose of Communication: Update on 867HIU Cancel/Rebill progress

Facts: As previously communicated, due to an inability to correctly bill supplier’s charges on one or more bills, PPL has cancelled approximately 86,000 HIU accounts.

As of 4/20/23, approximately 51,881 accounts are re-billed up to their current period.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Standard Offer Email (4/26/2023)

Communication#: 20230426-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: SOP Contract Expiration Message to Customers

Purpose of Communication: Notification to Suppliers about customer communication on SOP Contract Expiration

Facts: On April 26, PPL began communications to customers about the upcoming Standard Offer Program (SOP) expiration. The message below was communicated via email and telephone to SOP enrolled customers:

Last May, you enrolled in the Standard Offer Program with [INSERT SUPPLIER NAME]. This Program offers a 7% discount off the PPL Electric Price to Compare and is fixed for 12 months with no cancellation fees.

Although you've been saving for the past year, your contract ends soon. Now is the time to check your rate, compare it to other offers, and see how you can continue saving after your contract expires.

Here's what you can do:

1. Check the rate you're paying on the Account Summary page of your online profile at Keep an eye out for letters or emails from your current supplier before your 12-month term ends. They will include information about your new contract and rate, including whether it's fixed or variable.

2. Review the Price to Compare, also known as the PPL Electric default rate. This is the rate you pay if you choose not to shop for energy supply. This rate will change on June 1, 2023.

3. Compare your options. You can stay with your current supplier per their new contract terms or cancel and automatically return to the PPL Electric default rate. You can also re-enroll on the Standard Offer Program or shop for a new supplier at PAPowerswitch. com.

Action Needed: This is informational only.


Communication#: 20230425-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in EDI transactions.

Facts: Due to a delay in processing files, the bill window will be automatically extended today. We don't have an ETA at this point as to when they will be sent.

Action Needed: This is informational only.


Communication#: 20230419-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in EDI transactions

Facts: Due to a delay in processing files, the bill window will be automatically extended today. We don't have an ETA at this point as to when they will be sent.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Large Volume of Inquiries (4/19/2023)

Communication#: 20230419-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Large Volume of Inquiries

Purpose of Communication: Notice of large volume of inquiries

Facts: PPL is receiving a large volume of inquiries through the portal. We are working as quickly as possible to respond to each one. As this work continues, we appreciate your patience and apologize for any delays.

Over the past few months, we have made substantial progress in addressing billing challenges. The vast majority of our customers are now receiving timely bills. We expect to resume billing for nearly all remaining customers by the end of April.

Thank you.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Bill Cancellation and Reissuance (4/17/2023)

Communication#: 20230417-2

Distribution:Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Bill Cancellation and Reissuance

Purpose of Communication: Update 867IU Cancel/Rebill

Facts: As previously communicated, PPL Electric Utilities has been engaged in a significant amount of rebilling work over the past several months to get customers billed to their current period.

As part of the ongoing recovery, on April 8, 2023, PPL completed a mass cancel of approximately 15,000 accounts for the 867 IU transactions that we sent out with incomplete usage. The related rebill activity started on the April 10, 2023 evening batch.

PPL will provide updates for the remaining pending recovery items as the timelines become available.

Thank you in advance for your patience.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

HIU Transaction Delay (4/17/2023)

Communication#: 20230417-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: HIU Transaction Delay

Purpose of Communication: Notice of delay in HIU transactions from April 14, 2023.

Facts: PPL experienced a delay in HIU transactions from April 14, 2023, for 969 accounts. These transactions will be re-processed on April 17, 2023.

Action Needed: This is informational only.


Communication#: 20230413-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in EDI transactions

Facts: Due to a delay in processing files, the bill window will be automatically extended today. We don't have an ETA at this point as to when they will be sent.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions (4/12/2023)

Communication#: 20230412-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in EDI transactions.

Facts: Due to a delay in processing files, the bill window will be automatically extended today. We don't have an ETA at this point as to when they will be sent.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Delayed Billing/Transactions - Update (1/4/2023)

Communication#: 20230104-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing/Transactions - Update

Purpose of Communication: Update on delay in billing transactions.

Facts: Due to a technical system issue, interval data has been temporarily unavailable in our customer-facing systems, as of December 15, 2022. As a result, some of our customers received estimated amounts due for bills with a January 2023 due date and daily settlement submission data to PJM has been estimated. We have identified the cause of the issue and are working to resolve it. In the coming weeks, the data will be updated to reflect actual usage, allowing us to reconcile the amounts due. We’ll share information as it becomes available. Thank you.

Action Needed: This is informational only.


Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions - Update (12/22/2022)

Communication#: 20221222-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions - Update

Purpose of Communication: Update on the delay in EDI transactions.

Facts: System processing issues resulted in a delay in our EDI processing starting 12/15/22. The 12/15 files were processed yesterday, the 12/16/22 bills have been processed today. In addition, we are planning to bill 12/19/22 and 12/20/22 tonight. We will continue to keep you updated on the status.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions (12/21/2022)

Communication#: 20221221-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in EDI transactions.

Facts: System processing issues resulted in a delay in our EDI processing starting 12/15/22. The 12/15/22 bills have been processed today. In addition, we are processing the bills for 12/16/22. We will continue to keep you updated on the status.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions (12/20/2022)

Communication#: 20221220-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in EDI transactions.

Facts: System processing issues has resulted in a delay in our EDI processing starting 12/15/22. We don't have an ETA at this point as to when they will be sent. The bill window will be automatically extended.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

2023 NITS Tags (12/19/2022)

Communication#: 20221219-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 2023 NITS Tags

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of 2023 NITS Tag availability.

Facts: NITS (transmission tags) that are effective 1/1/2023 are now available on the Supplier Portal.

Between 12/23/22 and 12/26/22. we will transmit 814 EDI Change transactions (AMTKZ) to the current supplier, pending supplier, and pending inactive supplier on customer accounts as of 12/9/22.

If you submitted a supplier enrollment after 12/9/22, you could access the 2023 NITS values on the Supplier Portal under the "Request ICAP and NITS" selection or on the "Eligible Customer List."

The future value also will be populated on the Historical Usage, and Historical Interval Usage EDI transactions.

You DO NOT need to send in a response to this change transaction. /p>

Action Needed: None.

Delayed ACH Payment 12/9/22 (12/16/2022)

Communication#: 20221216-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed ACH Payment 12/9/22

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in ACH Payment.

Facts: System processing issues on 12/9/22 resulted in a delay in ACH payments. The issue has been resolved and all payments due 12/9/22 will be available 12/16/22.

Our apologies for any inconvenience.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions (12/9/2022)

Communication#: 20221209-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in EDI transactions.

Facts: System processing issues has resulted in a delay in our EDI processing 12/9/2022. This issue is being worked as a High Priority by our IT Department. The bill window will be automatically extended. As soon as it's resolved, we will update you.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Final Reminder (11/15/2022)

Communication#: 20221115-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Final Reminder

Purpose of Communication: Standard Offer Participation.

Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the December 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023 Standard Offer period. (Docket No. P-2020-3019356).

PPL Electric is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, must submit a NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website. Please notify PPL of participation via the Supplier Email: We no longer require hard copies of these forms to be sent to PPL via US Postal Service. Please make sure the electronic forms are signed.

November 18, 2022 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the December 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023 period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023:

Residential PTC = 14.612

Small C&I PTC = 14.751

Please note the naming of the rates have been updated to go along with changes to the program:

Residential Rate Code SOR1P3 = 13.589

Small C&I Rate Code SOS1P3 = 13.718

Action Needed: We are requesting a new binding agreement with your participation request.

Standard Offer Participation (11/1/2022)

Communication#: 20221101-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Standard Offer Participation

Purpose of Communication: Standard Offer Participation.

Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the December 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023 Standard Offer period. (Docket No. P-2020-3019356).

PPL Electric is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, must submit a NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website. Please notify PPL Electric of participation via the Supplier Email: We no longer require hard copies of these forms to be sent to PPL via US Postal Service. Please make sure the electronic forms are signed.

November 18, 2022 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the December 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023 period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023:

Residential PTC = 14.612

Small C&I PTC = 14.751

Please note the naming of the rates have been updated to go along with changes to the program:

Residential Rate Code SOR1P3 = 13.589

Small C&I Rate Code SOS1P3 = 13.718

Action Needed: We are requesting a new binding agreement with your participation request.

Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions (6/29/2022)

Communication#: 20220629-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed Billing/EDI Transactions

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in EDI transactions.

Facts: System processing issues has resulted in a delay in our EDI processing 6/29/22. We don't have an ETA at this point as to when they will be sent. The bill window will be automatically extended.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Final Reminder (5/20/2022)

Communication#: 20220520-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Final Reminder

Purpose of Communication: Standard Offer Participation.

Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the June 1, 2022 – November 30, 2022 Standard Offer period. (Docket No. P-2020-3019356).

PPL Electric is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, must submit a NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website. Please notify PPL Electric of participation via the Supplier Email: We no longer require hard copies of these forms to be sent to PPL via US Postal Service. Please make sure the electronic forms are signed.

If you have participated in the program during this current period and want to participate in the next period, you must notify us. If notification is not received, you will be removed from participation for the period.

Now - May 24, 2022 Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL Electric.

May 24, 2022 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the June 1, 2022 – November 30, 2022 period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2022 - November 30, 2022:

Residential PTC = 12.366

Small C&I PTC = 11.695

Please note the naming of the rates have been updated to go along with changes to the program:

Residential Rate Code SOR3P2 = 11.500

Small C&I Rate Code SOS3P2 = 10.876

Action Needed: We are requesting a new binding agreement with your participation request by May 24, 2022.

2022 ICAP Tags (5/17/2022)

Communication#: 20220517-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 2022 ICAP Tags

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers of 2022 ICAP tags availability.

Facts: ICAP tags that are effective 6/1/2022 are now available on the Supplier Portal.

Between 5/20/22 and 5/24/22. we will transmit 814 EDI Change transactions (AMTKC) to the current supplier, pending supplier, and pending inactive supplier on customer accounts on 5/10/22.

If you submit a supplier enrollment after 5/10/22, you can access the 2022 ICAP values on the Supplier Portal under the "Request ICAP and NITS" selection or on the "Eligible Customer List."

The future value also will be populated on the Historical Usage, and Historical Interval Usage EDI transactions.

Action Needed: You DO NOT need to send in a response to this change transaction.

Standard Offer Participation (5/3/2022)

Communication#: 20220503-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Standard Offer Participation

Purpose of Communication: Standard Offer Participation.

Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the June 1, 2022 – November 30, 2022 Standard Offer period. (Docket No. P-2020-3019356).

PPL Electric is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, must submit a NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website. Please notify PPL Electric of participation via the Supplier Email: We no longer require hard copies of these forms to be sent to PPL via US Postal Service. Please make sure the electronic forms are signed.

If you have participated in the program during this current period and want to participate in the next period, you must notify us. If notification is not received, you will be removed from participation for the period.

Now - May 26, 2022 Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL Electric.

May 26, 2022 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the June 1, 2022 – November 30, 2022 period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2022 - November 30, 2022:

Residential PTC = 12.366

Small C&I PTC = 11.695

Please note the naming of the rates have been updated to go along with changes to the program:

Residential Rate Code SOR3P2 = 11.500

Small C&I Rate Code SOS3P2 = 10.876

Action Needed: We are requesting a new binding agreement with your participation request.

2022 NITS Tags Correction via EDI (4/22/2022)

Communication#: 20220422-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 2022 NITS Tags Correction via EDI

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers of additional 2022 NITS tag correction.

Facts: In February 2022, we uncovered an issue where a small group of accounts (3040) had values calculated that were double the actual calculated tag. We corrected the data mid-February.

Original NITs tags effective 1/1/22 – communicated via 814C in December 2021. Nits tags effective 1/1/22 through 2/21/22 and were submitted to PJM accordingly.

Update to NITs tags for 3040 accounts effective 2/22/22 - communicated to EGS via 814C on 3/22/22.

Upon further investigation of this issue, we found that the calculation was still incorrect when the data repair was created in February. 4/13/22, we recalculated the tags for these 3040 accounts.

Update to Nits Tags for 3040 accounts effective 4/13/22 – communicated to EGS via 814C on 4/20/22.

We initiated a cancel rebill for 96 GS3 and LP4 shopping accounts so that the EGS will have the opportunity to resubmit their charges using the corrected Nits tags.

If you have a question about the PLC NITS tag value for a particular account, the supplier portal has the corrected values.

Please DO NOT send in a response to the pending 814Change transactions.

Action Needed: Adjust customer charges as needed to reflect the updated NITs tags values.

Reminder on how to communicate your inquiries to PPL Utilities Supplier (3/25/2022)

Communication#: 20220325-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Reminder on how to communicate your inquiries to PPL Utilities Supplier

Purpose of Communication: To ensure that all inquiries are cared for on a timely basis.

Facts: Jenn Ainsworth is no longer in our department. Please refrain from sending your inquiry directly to her.

Please submit all inquiries via the Supplier Portal which creates a Web Inquiry(WI) (see email address below)to be assigned to our department for completion which is normally within 3 business days(unless further investigation is needed). If it is of an urgent matter, you can submit via our email address with the Web Inquiry# included.

If access to the Supplier Portal is needed, please have your Administrator request access for you via a Web Inquiry. The person’s name and email address should be sent to the email address below:

We send a quarterly email(Supplier’s User Confirmation) which is submitted for your review and remove the people that no longer need access. We cannot remove them for you.

Action Needed: Use the proper channels to communicate with our department to avoid response delays.

2022 NITS Tags correction via EDI (3/23/2022)

Communication#: 20220323-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 2022 NITS Tags Correction via EDI

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers of 2022 NITS Tag correction.

Facts: In February 2022, we uncovered an issue where a small group of accounts (3040) had values calculated that were double the actual calculated tag. We corrected the MDMS data in mid-February. This correction should have triggered an updated 814EDI change transaction, but these change transactions were not issued.

We’ve repaired the values and retriggered the EDI to be sent out to the current supplier, pending supplier and pending inactive supplier.

The 814 EDI Change transactions will be triggered this week.

There is another Nits tag communication issue that we are researching, where there are slight differences between the EDI sent in December and the actual PLC tag. If you have a question about the PLC tag value, the supplier portal has the correct value.

You DO NOT need to send in a response to the pending 814Change transactions.

Action Needed: This is informational only.

Standard Offer Program Process Refresh and Review of Controls (2/1/2022)

Communication#: 20220201-1


Contact Categories:

Subject: Standard Offer Process Refresh and Review of Controls

Purpose of Communication: Adding Powerpoint slides for today's call.


Action Needed: Attend Zoom Call on 2/1/2022 at 2 p.m.

Standard Offer Program Refresh and Review of Controls for New and Existing Suppliers (1/27/2022)

Communication#: 20220127-4


Contact Categories:

Subject: Standard Offer Program Refresh and Review of Controls for New and Existing Suppliers

Purpose of Communication: Review SOP procedures, new SOP missing enrollment controls, common EDI rejections.

Facts: On Tuesday 2/1/22 at 2:00 pm EST, PPL is hosting a zoom call for all suppliers that have participated in the 6/1/21-5/31/22 SOP periods.

Purpose of call: high level review of the SOP rules for both new and existing EGS that participate in SOP.

In addition, we will review a "Missing Enrollment" control that we started distributing in the Dec 2021 timeframe.

Action Needed: Please attend Zoom Call or contact PPL Electric directly.


2020 NITS Tags (1/3/2020)

Communication#: 20200103-5

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 2020 NITS Tags

Purpose of Communication: Follow-up - 2020 NITS tags

Facts: PPL became aware that we transmitted some 814 Change transactions (AMTKZ) to the supplier community with the AMTKZ missing. This is related to the creation of default tags when there is not enough history for the PLC tag to be calculated for the account. We are in the process of confirming which accounts were affected and regenerating the 814 Change transactions. We anticipate the transactions will be sent the week of 1/6-1/10/20.

Meanwhile, the NITS tags have been updated and can be accessed on the Supplier Portal under the "Request ICAP and NITS" selection or on the "Eligible Customer List".

Action Needed: None

867 Usage Delayed (1/3/2020)

Communication#: 20200103-4

Distribution: Electric Generation Supplier, EDI Provider, Broker/Consultant, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: EDI, Billing/Usage, General, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 867 Usage Delayed

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in 867 Usage Transactions

Facts: EDI Provider had system processing issues which has resulted in a delay in our 867 Usage transactions today, 01/03/2020. We anticipate the transactions to be sent early afternoon. The bill window will be automatically extended.

Action Needed: Informational only


2020 NITS Tags (12/12/2019)

Communication#: 20191212-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 2020 NITS Tags

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of 2020 NITS Tag availability

Facts: Future NITS (transmission tags) that are effective 1/1/2020 are now available to Suppliers on the Supplier Portal under the "Request ICAP and NITS" selection or on the "Eligible Customer List".

PPL is in the process of creating 814 Change transactions (AMTKZ) to the current supplier, the pending supplier and the pending inactive supplier on the customer's account as of 12/13/19. These transactions will be transmitted between

  • 12/24- 12/30/19

For supplier enrollments submitted after 12/13/19 where the 2020 NITS (transmission tags) were not sent via the EDI 814 Change transaction, the values can be accessed on the Supplier Portal under the "Request ICAP and NITS" selection or on the "Eligible Customer List".

In addition, the future value will be populated on the Historical Usage, and Historical Interval Usage EDI transactions.

You do not need to send in a response to this change transaction

Action Needed: None

867's Usage Delayed (12/5/2019)

Communication#: 20191205-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 867's Usage Delayed

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in 867 Usage Transactions

Facts: System processing issues with our EDI provider has resulted in a delay in our EDI processing including 867 Usage transactions today, 12/5/19. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by end of day. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867's

Action Needed: Informational only

867's Usage Delayed (12/4/2019)

Communication#: 20191204-5

Distribution: Electric Generation Supplier, EDI Provider, Broker/Consultant, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: EDI, Billing/Usage, General, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 867's Usage Delayed

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in 867 Usage Transactions

Facts: System processing issues with our EDI provider has resulted in a delay in our EDI processing including 867 Usage transactions today, 12/4/19. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by end of day. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867's

Action Needed: Informational only


Communication#: 20191120-3

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017.

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT which can be found on our website. In addition you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of 10/4/19 test flight the next test flight starts around 12/6/19, which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed, you would be able to take part in the March 2020 quarter. Please notify PPL at

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter, you need to notify us; otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Now –November 21, 2019 CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL.

November 21, 2019 - Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the December 2019 – February 28, 2020 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020:
Residential PTC = 7.632

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP4Q0 = 7.098

Action Needed: Informational only.


Communication#: 20191120-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS.

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the December 1, 2019 – February 28, 2020 Standard Offer quarter. (Docket No. P-2012-2302074).

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program and have not participated in the current quarter, need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT this can be found on our website. Please email us at

If you have participated in the program in the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter, you need to notify us; otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation, you will need to send in a new binding agreement. For example, if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter, you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.

Now –November 21, 2019: Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL.

November 21, 2019 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the December 1, 2019 – February 28, 2020 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020:
Residential PTC = 7.632
Small C&I PTC = 6.360
Residential Rate Code SOR1Q0 = 7.098
Small C&I Rate Code SOS1Q0 = 5.914

Action Needed: Informational only.


Communication#: 20191106-3

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS.

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List.


Purpose of Communication: CAP STANDARD OFFER

Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017.

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT which can be found on our website. In addition, you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of 10/4/19 test flight the next test flight starts on approximate on 12/6/19 which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the March 2020 quarter. Please notify PPL via Supplier email:

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Now –November 21, 2019 CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL.

November 21, 2019 - Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the December 2019 – February 28, 2020 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020:
Residential PTC = 7.632

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP4Q0 = 7.098

Action Needed: Informational only.


Communication#: 20191106-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS.

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List.



Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the December 1, 2019 – February 28, 2020 Standard Offer quarter. (Docket No. P-2012-2302074).

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program and have not participated in the current quarter, need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT this can be found on our website. Please notify PPL via Supplier Email:

If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.

Now –November 21, 2019: Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL.

November 21, 2019 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the December 1, 2019 – February 28, 2020 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020:
Residential PTC = 7.632
Small C&I PTC = 6.360
Residential Rate Code SOR1Q0 = 7.098
Small C&I Rate Code SOS1Q0 = 5.914

Action Needed: Informational only.

EDI 867S IU USAGE DELAYED (10/29/2019)

Communication#: 20191029-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS.

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List.

Subject: EDI 867s IU Usage Delayed.

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in all EDI including 867 Usage Transactions.

Facts: System processing issues with our EDI provider has resulted in a delay in our EDI processing including 867s IU Usage transactions today, 10/29/19. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by end of day. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867s.

Action Needed: Informational only.

All EDI including 867 Usage Delayed (10/11/2019)

Communication#: 20191011-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: All EDI including 867 Usage Delayed

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in all EDI including 867 Usage Transactions

Facts: System processing issues with our EDI provider has resulted in a delay in our EDI processing including 867 Usage transactions today, 10/11/19. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by end of day. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867s

Action Needed: Informational only

All EDI including 867 Usage Delayed (9/27/2019)

Communication#: 20190927-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: All EDI including 867 Usage Delayed

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in all EDI including 867 Usage Transactions

Facts: System processing issues have resulted in a delay in our EDI processing including 867 Usage transactions today, 09/27/19. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by end of day. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867's

Action Needed: Informational only


Communication#: 20190918-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List


Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in EDI 867's Monthly Usage Transactions

Facts: System processing issues with our EDI provider has resulted in a delay in our EDI processing for 867 Monthly Usage transactions Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2019. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by end of day. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867s MU.

Action Needed: Informational only


Communication#: 20190823-3

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List


Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the September 1, 2019 – November 30, 2019 Standard Offer quarter.(Docket No. P-2012-2302074).

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program and have not participated in the current quarter, need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. Please email us at

If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter, you would need a new binding agreement for you take part in any part of the program.

Now-August 26, 2019: Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

August 26, 2019: Deadline to submit a NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the Sept. 1, 2019-Nov. 30, 2019 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2019 to Nov. 30, 2019:
Residential PTC = 7.585
Small C&I PTC = 6.207

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code SOR4Q9 = 7.054
Small C&I Rate Code SOS4Q9 = 5.772

Action Needed: None


Communication#: 20190823-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS.

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List


Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017.

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT. In addition, you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of July 23, 2019, test flight, the next test flight will start around Oct. 4, 2019, which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the September 2019 quarter. Please email us

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter, you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Now-August 26, 2019: CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL.

August 26, 2019: Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the June 2019-November 2019 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period May 31, 2019 to December 1, 2019:
Residential PTC = 7.585 cents

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7 percent:
Residential Rate Code CAP4Q9 = 7.0540 cents

Action Needed: None


Communication#: 20190805-3

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List


Purpose of Communication: CAP STANDARD OFFER

Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017.

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT which can be found on our website. In addition, you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of 07/23/19 test flight the next test flight starts on approximate on 10/04/19, which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the September 2019 quarter. Please notify PPL via Supplier email at

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Now-August 25, 2019: CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

August 25, 2019: Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the June 2019-November 2019 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period May 31, 2019 to December 1, 2019:
Residential PTC = 7.585

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP4Q9 = 7.0540

Action Needed: None


Communication#: 20190805-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the September 1, 2019 – November 30, 2019 Standard Offer quarter. (Docket No. P-2012-2302074).

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program and have not participated in the current quarter, need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website. Please notify PPL via Supplier email at

If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us; otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.

Now-August 26, 2019: Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

August 26, 2019: Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the September 1, 2019-November 30, 2019, quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2019, to November 30, 2019:
Residential PTC = 7.585
Small C&I PTC = 6.207

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code SOR4Q9 = 7.054
Small C∓I Rate Code SOS4Q9 = 5.772

Action Needed: None


Communication#: 20190712-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: All EDI including 867 Usage Delayed

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in all EDI including 867 Usage Transactions

Facts: System processing issues have resulted in a delay in our EDI processing including 867 Usage transactions today, 07/12/19. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by end of day. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867s.

Action Needed: Informational only


Communication#: 20190702-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: All EDI including 867 Usage Delayed

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in all EDI including 867 Usage Transactions

Facts: System processing issues have resulted in a delay in our EDI processing including 867 Usage transactions today, 07/2/19. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by end of day. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867s.

Action Needed: Informational only


Communication#: 20190522-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017. PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT which can be found on our website. In addition you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of 04/5/2019 test flight the next test flight starts on approximate on 5/31/2019 which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the September 2019 quarter. Please notify PPL via Supplier email:

Now–May 23, 2019, CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

May 23, 2019 - Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the June 2019 – November 2019 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period May 31, 2019 to December 1, 2019:
Residential PTC = 7.585

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP3Q9 = 7.0540


Communication#: 20190522-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the June 1, 2019 – August 31, 2019 Standard Offer quarter.(Docket No. P-2012-2302074). PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program and have not participated in the current quarter, need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. Please notify PPL via Supplier Email:

If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter, you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.

Now–May 23, 2019 Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

May 23, 2019 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the June 1, 2019 – August 31, 2019 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2019 to November 31, 2019:

Residential PTC = 7.585
Small C&I PTC = 6.207
Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code SOR3Q9 = 7.054
Small C&I Rate Code SOS3Q9 = 5.772

814C For ANNUAL ICAP CHANGES (5/21/2019)

Communication#: 20190521-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List


Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers we will be sending ICAP changes effective 06/01/2019

Facts: Suppliers will be notified of ICAP tag changes for individual shopping customers via 814Cs beginning 5/23/2019. For this process, an 814C will be sent to the active Supplier, any pending active Supplier and any pending inactive Supplier. Only the ICAP tag values to be effective June 1, 2019, through May 31, 2020, will be sent.

Action Needed: Informational only


Communication#: 20190502-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List


Purpose of Communication: CAP STANDARD OFFER

Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017.

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT. In addition you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of 04/5/2019 test flight the next test flight starts on approximate on 5/31/2019, which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the September 2019 quarter. Please notify PPL via Supplier email:

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us; otherwise, we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Now-May 23, 2019 CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

May 23, 2019 - Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the June 2019 – November 2019 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period May 31, 2019 to December 1, 2019:
Residential PTC = 7.585

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP3Q9 = 7.0540


Communication#: 20190502-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the June 1, 2019 – August 31, 2019 Standard Offer quarter. (Docket No. P-2012-2302074).

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program and have not participated in the current quarter, need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. Please notify PPL via Supplier Email:

If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.

Now-May 23, 2019 Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL.

May 23, 2019 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the June 1, 2019 – August 31, 2019 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2019 to November 31, 2019:
Residential PTC = 7.585
Small C&I PTC = 6.207

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code SOR3Q9 = 7.054
Small C&I Rate Code SOS3Q9 = 5.772

PPL Electric Time-of-Use Pro Forma Tariff Pages (4/15/2019)

Communication#: 20190415-1

Distribution: Electric Generation Supplier, Registered EGS, Other

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List.

Subject: PPL Electric Time-of-Use Pro Forma Tariff Pages.

Purpose of Communication: This message is to inform all Retail Suppliers in PPL Electric Utility’s service territory of the Company’s pending Time-of-Use Pro Forma Tariff page filing, pending before the PA PUC.

Facts: Referenced Docket #: M-2016-2578051, P-2013-2389572 and P-2016-2526627.

On February 13, 2019, PPL Electric Utilities completed a compliance filing with the PA Public Utility Commission (“PA PUC”), formally issuing its TOU Request for Proposal Process and Rules (“RFP”), TOU Supplier Master Agreement (“SMA”) and TOU Pro Forma Tariff pages. On April 9, 2019, the PA PUC approved the TOU RFP and SMA documents, as filed. The TOU Pro Forma Tariff pages are currently pending before the PA PUC, with approval expected April 25, 2019, at the PA PUC Public Meeting.

The as filed Pro Forma Tariff pages can currently be found on PPL Electric’s Default Service website at: The pages are listed under the heading “Time-of-Use Proceedings”.

Once approved by the PUC, the Pro Forma Tariff pages will be removed, and the approved TOU tariff page supplements will be posted on the Current Electric Tariff webpage. This is likely to occur in mid- to late-May 2019.

Thank you for your attention to this filing.

Action Needed: None.

867 MU Delay (4/8/2019)

Communication#: 20190408-2

Distribution: EDI Provider, Broker/Consultant, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS.

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List.

Subject: 867 MU Delay.

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in EDI 867MU Usage Transactions.

Facts: Our EDI provider had a processing error this am which impacted the Outbound 867 Monthly Usage files. We have requested an extension to the bill window.

Action Needed: Informational Only

867MU (4/2/2019)

Communication#: 20190402-3

Distribution: EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Billing/Usage, Customer Service, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Primary Contact included on all emails

Subject: 867MU delay

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in EDI 867MU Usage Transactions

Facts: Our EDI provider had a processing error this am which impacted the Outbound 867 Monthly Usage files. As of 10:00 am, we successfully processed 1/3 of the 867MU transactions. We have requested an extension to the bill window.

Action Needed: Informational Only


Communication#: 20190208-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List


Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the March 1, 2019 – May 31, 2019 Standard Offer quarter. (Docket No. P-2012-2302074).

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program and have not participated in the current quarter, need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT; this can be found on our website. Please notify PPL via Supplier Email:

If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.

Now –February 21, 2019 Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

February 21, 2019 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the March 1, 2019 – May 31, 2019 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019:
Residential PTC = 7.039
Small C&I PTC = 7.244
Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code SOR2Q9 = 6.546
Small C&I Rate Code SOS2Q9 = 6.737

Action Needed: None


Communication#: 20190208-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List.

Purpose of Communication: CAP STANDARD OFFER

Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017.

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT which can be found on our website. In addition you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of 02/1/2019 test flight the next test flight starts on approximate on 4/12/2019 which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the June 2019 quarter. Please notify PPL via Supplier email:

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Now –February 21, 2019 CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL.

February 21, 2019 - Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the March 2019 – May 2019 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019:
Residential PTC = 7.039
Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP2Q9 = 6.546

Action Needed: Send in CAP Standard Offer Supplier Binding Agreement and have testing completed.

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter, you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Delayed 867s (1/24/2019)

Communication#: 20190124-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed 867s

Facts: System processing issues have resulted in a delay in our 867 Usage transactions today, Jan. 24, 2019. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by this afternoon. The bill window will be automatically extended for these transactions

Action Needed: Informational Only

Delayed 867s (1/22/2019)

Communication#: 20190122-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed 867s

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in our 867 Usage Transactions

Facts: System processing issues have resulted in a delay in our 867 Usage transactions today, 01.22.19. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by this afternoon. The bill window will be automatically extended for these transactions

Action Needed: Informational Only

Delayed 867s (1/18/2019)

Communication#: 20190118-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed 867s

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in our 867 Usage Transactions

Facts: System processing issues have resulted in a delay in our 867 Usage transactions today, 01.18.19. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by 12:00 PM today. If there are any further delays an updated communication will be sent.

Action Needed: Informational Only

Delayed 867s (1/15/2019)

Communication#: 20190115-4

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed 867s

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in our 867 Usage Transactions

Facts: System processing issues have resulted in a delay in our 867 Usage transactions today, 01/15/2019. Transactions were sent as of 1 pm EST. The bill window will be automatically extended for these transactions.

Action Needed: Informational Only


2019 NITS TAGS (12/20/2018)

Communication#: 20181220-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of 2019 NITS Tag availability

Facts: Future NITS (transmission tags) that are effective 1/1/2019 are now available to Suppliers on the Supplier Portal under the "Request ICAP and NITS" selection or on the "Eligible Customer List.”

PPL is in the process of creating 814 Change transactions (AMTKZ) to the current supplier, the pending supplier and the pending inactive supplier on the customer's account as of 12/17/18. These transactions will be transmitted between 12/21 /18 and 12/24/18.

For supplier enrollments submitted after 12/17/18 where the 2019 NITS (transmission tags) were not sent via the EDI 814 Change transaction, the values can be accessed on the Supplier Portal under the "Request ICAP and NITS" selection or on the "Eligible Customer List.”

In addition, the future value will be populated on the Historical Usage, and Historical Interval Usage EDI transactions.

Action Needed: None

DELAYED 867S - ALL (12/18/2018)

Communication#: 20181218-9

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Purpose of Communication: Delayed 867s- ALL

Facts: System processing issues have resulted in a delay in our 867 Usage transactions today, 12/18/2018. We anticipate the transactions to be sent early afternoon. The bill window will be automatically extended for these transactions.

Action Needed: Informational Only


Communication#: 20181126-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017.

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT which can be found on our website. In addition, you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of 08/10/2018 test flight the next test flight starts on approximate on 12/3/2018 which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the March 2019 quarter. Please notify PPL via Supplier email:

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Now – November 26, 2018 CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

November 26, 2018 - Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the December 2018 – February 2019 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019:
Residential PTC = 7.039

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP1Q9 = 6.546

Action Needed: Send in CAP Standard Offer Supplier Binding Agreement and have testing completed.

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.


Communication#: 20181126-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the December 1, 2018 – February 28, 2019 Standard Offer quarter. (Docket No. P-2012-2302074).

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program and have not participated in the current quarter, need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website. Please notify PPL via Supplier Email:

If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.

Now – November 26, 2018 Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

November 26, 2018 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the December 2018 – February 28, 2019 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019:
Residential PTC = 7.039
Small C&I PTC = 7.244

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code SOR1Q9 = 6.546
Small C&I Rate Code SOS1Q9 = 6.737

Action Needed: If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.


Communication#: 20181101-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List


Purpose of Communication: CAP STANDARD OFFER

Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017.

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT. In addition you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of 08/10/2018 test flight the next test flight starts on approximate on 12/3/2018 which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the March 2019 quarter. Please notify PPL via Supplier email: If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Now–November 26, 2018 CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

November 26, 2018 - Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the December 2018 – February 2019 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019:
Residential PTC=7.039

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP1Q9=6.546

Action Needed:Send in CAP Standard Offer Supplier Binding Agreement and have testing completed. If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.


Communication#: 20181101-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the December 1, 2018 – February 28, 2019 Standard Offer quarter (Docket No. P-2012-2302074).

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program and have not participated in the current quarter, need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website. Please notify PPL via Supplier Email:

If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter, you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.

Now –November 26, 2018 Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

November 26, 2018 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the December 2018 – February 28, 2019 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019:
Residential PTC = 7.039
Small C&I PTC = 7.244

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code SOR1Q9 = 6.546
Small C&I Rate Code SOS1Q9 = 6.737

Delayed 867s (10/2/2018)

Communication#: 20181002-5

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed 867s

Purpose of Communication: Delayed 867s

Facts: System processing issues have resulted in a delay in our 867 Usage transactions on Oct. 2, 2018. We anticipate the transactions to be sent early Tuesday afternoon. The bill window will be automatically extended for these transactions.

Action Needed: Informational Only

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Rd
Allentown, PA 18104



Communication#: 20180823-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the September 1, 2018 – November 30, 2018 Standard Offer quarter. (Docket No. P-2012-2302074).

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program and have not participated in the current quarter, need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website. Please notify PPL via Supplier Email:

If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter, you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.

Now –August 24, 2018 Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

August 24, 2018 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the September 2018 – November 2018 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2018 to November 30, 2018:

Residential PTC = 7.449
Small C&I PTC = 6.776

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code SOR4Q8 = 6.927
Small C&I Rate Code SOS4Q8 = 6.301

Action Needed: If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter, you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Rd
Allentown, PA 18104


Supplier Hotline: 610.774.6396
Supplier Email:
Visit us at


Communication#: 20180823-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017.

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT which can be found on our website. In addition, you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of 06/08/2018 test flight the next test flight starts on 08/10/2018 which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the December quarter. Please notify PPL via Supplier email:

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter, you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. Now –August 24, 2018 CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

August 24, 2018 - Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the September 2018 – November 2018 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2018 to November 30, 2018:
Residential PTC = 7.449

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP4Q8 = 6.927

Action Needed: Send in CAP Standard Offer Supplier Binding Agreement and have testing completed. If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Rd
Allentown, PA 18104


Supplier Hotline: 610.774.6396
Supplier Email:
Visit us at


Communication#: 20180731-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017. PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT which can be found on our website. In addition you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4.

If you missed this deadline of 06/08/2018 test flight, the next test flight starts on 08/10/2018 which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the December quarter. Please notify PPL via Supplier email:

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Now-August 24, 2018 CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

August 24, 2018-Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the September 2018 – November 2018 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2018 to November 30, 2018:
Residential PTC = 7.449

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP4Q8 = 6.927

Action Needed: Send in CAP Standard Offer Supplier Binding Agreement and have testing completed. If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.


Communication#: 20180731-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the September 1, 2018 – November 30, 2018 Standard Offer quarter.(Docket No. P-2012-2302074).

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program and have not participated in the current quarter, need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT this can be found on our website. Please notify PPL via Supplier Email:

Now–August 24, 2018 Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

August 24, 2018 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the September 2018–November 2018 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2018 to November 30, 2018:
Residential PTC = 7.449
Small C&I PTC = 6.776
Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code SOR4Q8 = 6.927
Small C&I Rate Code SOS4Q8 = 6.301

Action Needed: If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us. Otherwise, we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example: If you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in the prior quarter, you would need a new binding agreement for you to take part in any part of the program.

Delayed 867s (7/17/2018)

Communication#: 20180717-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Delayed 867s

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers of delay in EDI 867s Usage transactions

Facts: System processing issues have resulted in a delay in our EDI processing of 867s usage transactions on July 17, 2018. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by mid-day.

Action Needed: Informational Only

867s Monthly Usage Delayed (6/26/2018)

Communication#: 20180626-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 867s Monthly Usage Delayed

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers of delay in EDI 867 Monthly Usage transactions

Facts: System processing issues have resulted in a delay in our EDI processing of 867 Monthly Usage transactions Tuesday, June 26, 2018. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by mid-day.

Action Needed: Informational Only

814C For Annual ICAP Changes (5/23/2018)

Communication#: 20180523-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List


Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers we will be sending ICAP changes effective 06/01/2018

Facts: Suppliers will be notified of ICAP tag changes for individual shopping customers via 814Cs beginning 5/25/2018. For this process, an 814C will be sent to the active Supplier, any pending active Supplier and any pending inactive Supplier. Only the ICAP tag values to be effective June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019 will be sent. We do not need a response to this request.

Action Needed: Informational only


Communication#: 20180521-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the June 1, 2018 – August 31, 2018 Standard Offer quarter.(Docket No. P-2012-2302074).

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program and have not participated in the current quarter, need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT this can be found on our website. Please notify PPL via Supplier Email:

If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.

Now –May 23, 2018 Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

May 23, 2018 - Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the June 2018 – August 2018 quarterly period.

PPL Electric Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2018 to November 30, 2018:
Residential PTC = 7.449
Small C&I PTC = 6.776

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code SOR3Q8 = 6.927
Small C&I Rate Code SOS3Q8 = 6.301

Action Needed: If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.


Communication#: 20180521-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017.

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT which can be found on our website. In addition you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of 2/9//2018 test flight the next test flight starts on 6/8/2018 which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the September quarter. Please notify PPL via Supplier email:

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Now –May 23, 2018 CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

May 23, 2018 - Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the June 2018 – August 2018 quarterly period.

PPL Electic Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2018 to November 30, 2018:
Residential PTC = 7.449

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP3Q8 = 6.927

Action Needed: Send in CAP Standard Offer Supplier Binding Agreement and have testing completed.

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.


Communication#: 20180501-4

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017.

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT which can be found on our website. In addition you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of 2/9//2018 test flight the next test flight starts on 6/8/2018 which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the September quarter. Please notify PPL via Supplier email:

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Now –May 23, 2018 CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL

May 23, 2018 - Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the June 2018 – August 2018 quarterly period.

PPL Electic Price to Compare for the following period June 1, 2018 to November 30, 2018:
Residential PTC = 7.449

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP3Q8 = 6.927

Action Needed: Send in CAP Standard Offer Supplier Binding Agreement and have testing completed.

PPL Price to Compare June 1, 2018 (5/1/2018)

Communication#: 20180501-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: PPL Price to Compare June 1, 2018

Purpose of Communication: Announce PPL's Price To Compare

Facts: PPL has released the Price to Compare for June 1, 2018 through November 30, 2018

Residential is 7.449

Small C&I is 6.776

Action Needed: None

867s Delayed (3/15/2018)

Communication#: 20180315-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 867s Delayed

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers of delay in EDI 867 Usage transactions

Facts: System processing issues have resulted in a delay in our EDI processing including all 867 Usage transactions Thursday, 3/15/18. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by mid-day Thursday. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867s.

Action Needed: None - Information Only

PPL's Implementation for Change Control 131 for the Implementation for the 867IU Interval Usage transaction will be delayed (3/7/2018)

Communication#: 20180307-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: PPL’s Implementation for Change Control 131 for the Implementation for the 867IU Interval Usage transaction will be delayed

Purpose of Communication: Notification of Delay for Implementation for Change Control 131 for the Implementation for 867IU Interval Usage transaction

Facts: Due to Storm Event, PPL’s IT organization couldn’t move the scheduled changes into production on 3/6/18. The implementation of the 867IU changes is now scheduled for next Tuesday, 3/13/18.

Action Needed: None - Information Only


Communication#: 20180205-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the March 2018 – May 2018 Standard Offer quarter. (Docket No. P-2012-2302074).

Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website. Please notify PPL via Supplier Email:

If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.

Now–February 21, 2018: Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL.

February 21, 2018: Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the March 2018 – May 2018 quarterly period.

PPL Electic Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018:
Residential PTC = 7.463
Small C&I PTC = 7.701

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code SOR2Q8 = 6.941
Small C&I Rate Code SOS2Q8 = 7.162

Action Needed: If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.


Communication#: 20180205-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts: CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017.

Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT, which can be found on our website. In addition you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of 12/1/2017 test flight the next test flight starts on 2/9/2018 which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the June quarter. Please notify PPL via Supplier email:

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Now–February 21, 2018: CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL.

February 21, 2018: Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the March 2018 – May 2018 quarterly period.

PPL Electic Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018:
Residential PTC = 7.463

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP2Q8 = 6.941

Action Needed: Send in CAP Standard Offer Supplier Binding Agreement and have testing completed.

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

867's Delayed - bill window extended (2/2/2018)


Communication#: 20180202-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 867s Delayed - bill window extended

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers of delay in EDI 867 Usage transactions

Facts: System processing issues with our EDI provider have resulted in a delay in our EDI processing including 867 Usage transactions today, 2/2/18. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by end of day. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867s.

Action Needed: Informational Only

867s Delayed - bill window extended day 2 (1/9/2018)


Communication#: 20180109-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 867s Delayed - bill window extended day 2

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers of delay in EDI 867 Usage transactions

Facts: System processing issues have resulted in a delay in our EDI processing including 867 Usage transactions Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2018. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by end of Tuesday. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867s.

Action Needed: Informational Only

867s Delayed - bill window extended (1/8/2018)


Communication#: 20180108-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 867s Delayed - bill window extended

Purpose of Communication: Notify suppliers of delay in EDI 867 Usage transactions

Facts: System processing issues with our EDI provider have resulted in a delay in our EDI processing including 867 Usage transactions on Monday, Jan. 8, 2018. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by end of day. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867s.


867s Delayed/Duplicate 867 (12/14/2017)

Communication#: 20171214-3

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 867s Delayed/Duplicate 867

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in all EDI including 867 Usage Transactions

Facts: System processing issues with our EDI provider have resulted in a delay in our EDI processing including 867 Usage transactions today, 12/14/2017. In addition all files have not yet processed from 12/13/17 file. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867s for both days.

Along with this technical issues it resulted in sending duplicate 867s. The files and envelopes will be different but the transaction reference numbers will be the same.

Action Needed: None

2018 Nits Tags (12/14/2017)


Communication#: 20171214-2

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 2018 Nits Tags

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of 2018 NITS Tag availability

Facts: Future NITS (transmission tags) that are effective 1/1/2018 are now available to Suppliers on the Supplier Portal under the "Request ICAP and NITS" selection or on the "Eligible Customer List".

PPL is in the process of creating 814 Change transactions (AMTKZ) to the current supplier, the pending supplier and the pending inactive supplier on the customer's account as of 12/18/17. These transactions will be transmitted between 12/18 /17 and 12/31/17.

For supplier enrollments submitted after 12/18/17 where the 2018 NITS (transmission tags) were not sent via the EDI 814 Change transaction, the values can be accessed on the Supplier Portal under the "Request ICAP and NITS" selection or on the "Eligible Customer List".

In addition, the future value will be populated on the Historical Usage, and Historical Interval Usage EDI transactions.

Action Needed: None

2018 Load Profiles (12/14/2017)


Communication#: 20171214-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails, Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 2018 Load Profiles

Purpose of Communication: Announce 2018 Load Profile Update

Facts: PPL Electric has completed an robust update of customer load profiles, and issued the profile equations and support instructions to its external webpage.

The profiles continue to use a breakpoint-based linear regression model; however, the new profiles now use 2 years of actual usage data instead of 1, creating a more robust profile set for use by all parties. Profile file format mirrors prior years. Overall, comparison of forecast load (using the profiles) versus actual load resulted in a decreased delta using the new profiles (i.e. the forecasts generally tracked closer to actual using the new profiles compared to the old profile)

  • Large C&I customer forecasts saw a significant improvement
  • Small C&I customer forecasts saw a moderate improvement
  • Residential customer forecasts were generally neutral (no great improvement or weakness)


Supplier are encouraged to review the profiles and use the updated values as necessary for their own customer forecasts.

PPL Electric will begin use of the new profiles in its PJM forecast submissions on January 2, 2018. In addition, our Supplier Coordination website, below, has been updated with the 2018 load profile documentation.

For specific questions related to the files posted please send them directly to

Action Needed: None

867s Delayed - Bill Window extended (12/13/2017)


Communication#: 20171213-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 867s Delayed - Bill Window extended

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of delay in all EDI including 867 Usage Transactions

Facts: System processing issues with our EDI provider have resulted in a delay in our EDI processing including 867 Usage transactions today, 12/13/2017. We anticipate the transactions to be sent by end of day. The bill window will be automatically extended for the 867s.

Action Needed: Informational only

Standard Offer (11/6/2017)



Distribution:Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the NEW BINDING AGREEMENT. This can be found on our website. Please notify PPL via Supplier Email:

Facts: PPL Electric Utilities is preparing for the start of the December 2017–February 2018 Standard Offer quarter. (Docket No. P-2012-2302074).

If you have participated in the program current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter. If you are changing any part of the participation you will need to send in a new binding agreement. Example if you are choosing to take part in Small C&I and have not done so in prior quarter you would need a new binding for you take part in any part of the program.

Now–November 22, 2017 Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL.

November 22, 2017- Deadline to submit NEW Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the December 2017 – February 2018 quarterly period.

PPL Electic Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018:
Residential PTC =7.463
Small C&I PTC=7.701

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code SOR1Q8=6.941
Small C&I Rate Code SOS1Q8=7.162

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Rd
Allentown, PA 18104

CAP Standard Offer (11/6/2017)



Distribution:Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories:Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List



Facts:CAP Standard offer was implemented on June 1, 2017.

PPL is requesting Suppliers that are interested in participating with the program, need to send in the CAP BINDING AGREEMENT which can be found on our website. In addition you need to have completed your flight testing with the NEW DUNS+4. If you missed this deadline of 10/13/2017 test flight the next test flight starts on 12/1/2017 which means all information would need to be received by then. If all testing is completed you would be able to take part in the March quarter. Please notify PPL via Supplier email:

If you have participated in the program during the current quarter and want to do so for the new quarter you need to notify us otherwise we will assume you are not participating this quarter.

Now–November 22, 2017, CAP Standard Offer Program Binding Participation Form submissions accepted by PPL.

November 22, 2017-Deadline to submit NEW CAP Standard Offer Binding Participation Form and notify PPL Electric of intent to participate in each customer group for the December 2017 – February 2018 quarterly period.

PPL Electic Price to Compare for the following period December 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018:
Residential PTC = 7.463

Standard Offer Rate Codes Price to Compare less 7%:
Residential Rate Code CAP1Q8 = 6.941

Action Needed:Send in CAP Standard Offer Supplier Binding Agreement and have testing completed.

PPL Electric Utilities Energy Acquisition
827 Hausman Road
Allentown, PA 18104

Supplier Portal-Current Customer List (10/30/2017)


Communication#: 20171030-1

Distribution:Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Supplier Portal - Current Customer List

Purpose of Communication: Supplier Portal Download Current Customer List Refreshment

On the Supplier Portal, Download My Current Customer List was last updated on 10/24/2017. There is a delay in the refreshment of the list. We expect the list to be refreshed later this week.

All other functionality, including the ECL, is up to date.

Action Needed: None.

Supplier Portal Change (3/31/2017)


Communication#: 20170331-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Supplier Portal Change

Purpose of Communication: Reminder - Notify Suppliers of Portal Change Facts: Today, Friday, March 31, 2017, PPL will be removing from the Supplier Portal two lookup categories. "Request Account Interval Usage" and "Request Meter Interval Usage" will no longer be available. The functionality replacement to support both the account level and meter level interval usage inquiries is available under "Request Account Usage Summary".

Action Needed: None.
Seamless Move Instant Connect (9/30/2017)


Communication#: 20160930-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List


Subject: Seamless Move Instant Connect

Purpose of Communication: Seamless Move Instant Connect Production

Facts: This is a reminder that the seamless move and instant connect functionality is going into production this evening. Monday evening's (10/3) batch processing would be the first time seamless move transactions could be generated and sent to Suppliers. The documentation regarding PPL's implementation is attached for your reference.

Action Needed: None.


Seamless Move Instant Connect Meeting (9/21/2016)


Communication Number: 20160921-1

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS 

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: Seamless Move Instant Connect Meeting

Purpose of Communication: Notify Suppliers of Meeting

Monday, September 26, 2016 2:00 p.m. EST
Conference Bridge: 888-238-2971
Access Code: 41691751

Seamless Move
Instant Connect
The presentation we will be reviewing during the meeting is attached.

Action Needed:
Dial in to conference bridge.

Supplier Portal URL Change (4/15/2016)
Communication#: 20160415-1


Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List


Subject: Supplier Portal URL Change

Purpose of Communication: Communicate Supplier Portal URL Change

Facts: Approximately 18 months ago, the URL for the Supplier Portal changed when we moved to a new infrastructure. We have had an automatic redirect in place supporting the old URL, but it is now being deprecated. Starting Thursday, April 21, 2016 the old URL will no longer work.
Correct URL:
Old URL:

Please check your bookmarks

Action Needed: Update your browser bookmarks.