Currently Effective Tariff Electric Pa. P.U.C. No. 201
(includes the rules and rates schedules for electric service)
- View and print individual sections of the tariff by using the following table of contents page and clicking on the section links. Each section of the tariff is an individual Adobe Acrobat Reader file. (.PDF)
- Download the entire tariff document as a single Adobe Acrobat Reader file. (.PDF) File size is 8 megabytes, may take some time to download, depending on the speed of your Internet connection.
Proposed Supplements
Additional information about Pennsylvania utility tariffs may be found on the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission home page.
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PPL Corporation has certified to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission that this is an accurate representation of the tariffs which are officially filed at the Commission.
Users of electronic tariffs should note, however, that such tariffs are not the official documents, and users assume responsibility for reliance upon tariffs in electronic format.
Printed copies may be obtained from PPL Electric Utilities at a cost of $1.00 per tariff page, payable in advance. Please prepare a check made payable to "PPL Electric Utilities Corporation." Mail the check to: PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, 827 Hausman Rd, Allentown, PA 18104, Attn: Katelyn Arnold. Allow two weeks for delivery. Sorry, no email requests will be honored.