PPL Suppliers

Important Notice
In July 2022, we transitioned to Infor as our new enterprise platform for all purchase-to-pay processes. Our Infor Help page contains job aids, guides and other information that may be helpful. Please contact your respective Category Manager with any questions.

We want to make doing business with us easy. Here you can find important information for suppliers.

PPL purchases a wide variety of products and services, including equipment, repairs, professional services, facilities, energy efficiency, travel, fuel, construction, electrical, information technology, logistics, engineering services, maintenance and repairs, transmission equipment and services, marketing and media services, and fleet.

PPL is ready to do business with companies that are reliable, financially viable (DNB), appropriately insured for the product/service (Insurance Certificates), efficient, and customer-focused. If you are interested in becoming a PPL supplier, please refer to our Sample Products and Services page to find an appropriate category manager.


Our Commitment to Supplier Diversity

The value PPL places on diversity in its workplace and communities carries over to the people from whom the company purchases goods and services. Our supplier diversity program is our commitment to purchase goods and services at competitive prices, while enhancing the opportunities for business owners of diverse backgrounds to succeed.

PPL’s diversity program seeks to develop diverse companies into strong supply partners, enable diverse suppliers in gaining access to greater award opportunities, and enrich value in the PPL supply chain.

Learn More