Distributed Generation Documents

Files needed to apply and complete your project

All applications are now submitted online!

No paperwork is required. An online application should be submitted and approved by PPL before you install your project.

Apply Now

This checklist can help you get prepared to initiate a new work order.


Certificate of Completion:

Once your application is approved, install the system and fill out the Certificate of Completion online. PPL will send you final approval via email.

REMSI Sketches

These sketches depict the Rules for Electric Meter and Service Installation for distributed generation.


All inspections are submitted online. Please log in in to submit your inspection.

Relay and Control Requirements

Smart Inverter Requirements

If you’re planning to install a Distributed Energy Resource (DER), such as a solar or battery system, it will require a smart inverter to qualify for interconnection to the PPL Electric Utilities grid.