We're here for you. A message from PPL
Delivering safe, reliable power to our customers is our top priority.
But our commitment to customers goes far beyond keeping your lights on.
As 2020 dawned, no one could have imagined the difficulties we now face because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The crisis is far from over. Financial challenges continue to grow for many, and our business community has been hit particularly hard.
We want you to know that we've expanded our payment plans for those of you who need help during these times.
If your business is struggling and you're having a hard time paying your PPL electric bill, we can help set up a payment arrangement that works for you. We can also move your bill due date to better align with your cash flow, or get you onto a budget billing plan.
If you're a small business, call 1-800-342-5775 today to learn more. Mid- or large-sized businesses can call 1-888-220-9991, Option 4.
Let us know how we can help!
Warm regards,
Lori Mueller
Vice President,
Customer Services, and
your PPL Customer Service team