General Supplier Reference Information

Information to suppliers of electricity


2020 NITS Tags (1/3/2020)

Communication#: 20200103-5

Distribution: Broker/Consultant, EDI Provider, Electric Generation Supplier, Other, Registered EGS

Contact Categories: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Billing/Usage, Customer Service, ECL Website Users, EDI, Enrollments/Drops/Changes, General, Net Metering, New MDMS System Questions, Primary Contact included on all emails , Rate Ready Website Users, Regulatory, Scheduling/Settlement, Settlement, Site Outage, Sync List

Subject: 2020 NITS Tags

Purpose of Communication: Follow-up - 2020 NITS tags

Facts: PPL became aware that we transmitted some 814 Change transactions (AMTKZ) to the supplier community with the AMTKZ missing. This is related to the creation of default tags when there is not enough history for the PLC tag to be calculated for the account. We are in the process of confirming which accounts were affected and regenerating the 814 Change transactions. We anticipate the transactions will be sent the week of 1/6-1/10/20.

Meanwhile, the NITS tags have been updated and can be accessed on the Supplier Portal under the "Request ICAP and NITS" selection or on the "Eligible Customer List".

Action Needed: None

Contact Information for Electricity Suppliers

PPL Electric Utilities
Energy Acquisition
2 North Ninth Street (GENN 5)
Allentown, Pennsylvania 18101-1179

Supplier Email:

This webpage includes information for Electric Generation Suppliers (EGS) in the PPL Electric Utilities service territory. Customer inquiries sent to this mailbox will not receive a response.