PUC Application Requirements

PUC Net Metering Recommendations Requirements    For any applications sized 500kW or larger, the following documents will be needed for PPL to prepare a Net Metering Approval recommendation to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC).  

Site Plan and One Line Diagrams 

  • On the One Line Diagram, show the existing load, if applicable, along with the proposed DER. Include any existing/proposed batteries, EV Charging, DER/back-up generators, etc. 
  • On the Site Plan Diagram, show geographic features including solar location, distribution facilities and property boundaries (tax parcels)  

Parasitic Load Example Template
In a Word document, using the applicant letter head, provide the annual parasitic Load (kWh) estimate for the DER system. It may include but is not limited to: 

  • Customer step-up transformer losses 
  • Data Acquisition System 
  • Inverter System night-time drain 
  • Single axis solar tracking system 
  • LED lights on a motion sensor estimate
  • Surveillance cameras energy use estimate 

Ownership Attestation 

  • For customer-owned systems, evidence of ownership is required. 
  • For third-party owned systems, a letter on the customer letterhead regarding contract/agreement is required. 
  • An Operating Agreement and Power Service Agreement between developer and customer may be requested. 


Net Energy Metering Rider – Complete ALL sheets on the attached form

  • Provide a tax parcel map showing the distance between the Host and Satellite account. 
  • Also provide evidence that the Customer-Generator owns or leases and operates both Host and Satellite accounts/assets. 

Changes to the interconnection application made after the Work Order is created may require a new submission of the interconnection application. Such changes include (but are not limited to): kW nameplate, Inverter manufacturer or size change, Virtual Metering Aggregation (VMA) addition/deletion, required In-Service Date, DER ownership (Customer-owned vs. Third-Party), and repetitive errors in the application (i.e. Application Level, missing signatures, multiple responses, etc.).

Requirements for CHP & Bio-Mass projects may differ from the above. Once your application is submitted, you will be contacted by DER Coordinator for additional instructions.