Reliability Projects 

Our team

Our team of lineworkers, electricians, engineers and support staff work year-round to the reliability of service we provide across 29 Pennsylvania counties. Here is a county-by-county look at the work we’re doing.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along approximately 313,000 feet of power lines and removed nearly 600 trees to reduce tree-related outages in the region. 
  • Spring Township and the boroughs of Shillington, Wernersville, Twin Valley, and Wyomissing - Installed equipment to help isolate outages and help reduce the number of customers who lose power when outages occur. 
  • Spring Township and Wernersville Boroughs - Made upgrades at substations to improve remote restoration when outages occur and better identify the cause of outages, which helps speed up restoration.
  • Shillington and Wernersville Boroughs - Installed smart grid restoration equipment in the feeders to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.
  • Wernersville Borough - Upgraded and replaced aging substation equipment in to improve dependability and efficiency.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Heidelberg Township and Spring Township - Upgrading or replacing smart grid restoration equipment at multiple locations.  
  • Spring Township and Twin Valley area - Making substation upgrades to improve remote restoration when outages occur and better identify the cause of outages, which helps speed up restoration.    


We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along more than 500,000 feet of power lines and removed about 230 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • East Rockhill Township and Sellersville Borough - Upgraded smart grid restoration equipment to improve our ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • Upgraded equipment on seven electric distribution circuits and replaced aging poles with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Hilltown Township - Upgrading about 7 miles of distribution line with stronger cables and relocate another 7 miles of overhead lines underground to reinforce areas at higher risk of tree-related outages.
  • Richland Township and Trumbauersville Borough - Upgrading smart grid restoration equipment to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • Milford and Sellersville Boroughs- Upgrading and replacing aging substation equipment to improve dependability and efficiency.

  • Trumbauersville Borough - Replacing approximately 3 miles of power line with more resilient wire in areas where there is a risk for tree-caused power outages.

  • Completing additional equipment replacements and upgrades on seven circuits.

  • Replacing approximately 100 utility poles with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along approximately 34,000 feet of power lines and removed nearly 1,600 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • The townships of East Penn, Franklin, Kidder, Lower Towamensing and Penn Forest and Palmerton Borough - Upgraded smart grid restoration equipment to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • East Penn Township - Strengthened the electric distribution system with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • East Penn Township - Relocating power lines from a location with a high risk of tree-related outages to an area that has less tree outage risk and is more easily accessible to repair crews when outages occur.
  • East Penn Township and Palmerton Borough - Continuing to upgrade smart grid restoration equipment and replace aging poles to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur and to better withstand severe weather.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along approximately 313,000 feet of power lines and removed nearly 600 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Atglen Borough - Made substation upgrades to improve dependability and efficiency.

  • Strengthened the electric distribution system by replacing aging poles with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Honeybrook Borough - Substation upgrades to allow for more efficient remote operation and restoration on the energy system when outages occur.
  • Continuing to harden the system to better withstand severe weather by replacing aging poles with stronger poles.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along nearly 375,000 feet of power lines and removed approximately 2,500 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Renovo and Lock Haven Boroughs - Upgraded substations to improve remote restoration capabilities when outages occur and better identify the cause of outages, which helps speed restoration.

  • Chapman Township and Lock Haven Borough - Upgraded and replaced aging substation equipment to improve dependability and efficiency at three substations.

  • Lock Haven Borough, Pine Creek Township and Renovo Borough - Upgraded smart grid devices to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • Renovo Borough - Strengthened the electric distribution system with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Renovo Borough and Pine Creek Township - Upgrading substations and replacing aging equipment to improve dependability and efficiency.
  • Lock Haven Borough - Upgrading a smart grid device to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • Lock Haven Borough - Continuing to harden the system by replacing utility poles to better withstand severe weather.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along nearly 375,000 feet of power lines and removed approximately 2,500 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Benton Borough, Scott Township, West Berwick, West Bloomsburg - Upgraded smart grid devices to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • Berwick Borough and West Bloomsburg - Upgraded substations to help identify the source of outages and speed up restoration.

  • Berwick Borough, Millville Borough and West Bloomsburg - Strengthened the electric distribution system with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather in as.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Rohrsburg and West Bloomsburg -Upgrading substations and replacing aging equipment in to improve remote restoration when outages occur and better identify the origin of outages, which helps speed up restoration.
  • Berwick Borough: Upgrading distribution line with stronger cables to reinforce areas at higher risk of tree-related outages and provide a backup power source for customers.

  • Bloomsburg, Millville Borough and Rohrsburg - Upgrading and adding smart grid devices to improve the ability to restore power remotely during outages.

  • Benton Borough - Replacing a section of overhead power lines with underground lines to reduce the number of tree-caused power outages.

  • Berwick and Millville Boroughs - Continuing to harden the system by replacing utility poles to better withstand severe weather.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along approximately 488,000 feet of power lines and removed about 420 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Dickinson Township - Added 17 predictive failure sensors to detect developing problems along our power lines before they cause potential outages.

  • Carlisle Borough, East Pennsboro Township, Mechanicsburg Borough and South Mechanicsburg - Upgraded substations to improve remote restoration when outages occur and better identify the origin of outages.

  • Carlisle Borough, Mechanicsburg Borough, Mount Allen, and Pennsboro Township - Installed and upgraded nine smart grid devices to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Upper Allen Township - Upgrading and replacing aging substation equipment to improve dependability and efficiency.
  • Silver Spring Township - Upgrading smart grid restoration equipment at two locations to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • New Cumberland Borough - Making substation upgrades to improve dependability and efficiency.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along approximately 488,000 feet of power lines and removed about 420 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Susquehanna Township - Completed substation upgrades to allow for more efficient remote operation and restoration on the system when outages occur.

  • Hershey, Halifax Borough, South Hershey, Lawnton, Rockville and North Harrisburg -Replaced and upgraded 13 smart grid devices to provide the most up-to-date technology that allows for remote and timely restoration when outages occur.

  • Halifax Township, Hummelstown Borough, Lower Paxton Township and Susquehanna Township - Upgraded and replaced aging substation equipment to improve dependability and efficiency.

  • Strengthened the electric distribution system by replacing aging poles with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Elizabethville Borough - This project will include making upgrades to smart grid devices at a substation to allow for more efficient remote operation and restoration on the system when outages occur.
  • Dauphin County - Replacing utility poles with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along approximately 488,000 feet of power lines and removed about 420 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • McAllisterville, Mifflintown Borough and Walker Township - Installed smart grid devices that restore power remotely when outages occur.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Thompsontown Borough - Upgrading smart grid devices to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.
  • Walker Township - Making substation upgrades to improve remote restoration when outages occur and better identify the cause of outages, which helps speed up restoration.

  • Continuing to strengthen the system to better withstand severe weather by replacing aging poles with stronger poles.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along nearly 650,000 feet of power lines and removed about 880 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Moscow Borough - Upgraded smart grid power restoration equipment to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • Strengthened electric distribution lines with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Moscow Borough - Upgrade smart grid equipment to allow for remote restoration of power outages and provide backup power for customers in the event of an outage.
  • Dalton Borough - Replacing approximately 4.5 miles of distribution line with stronger cables to reinforce areas at higher risk of tree-related outages. About 0.5 miles of overhead power lines will also be moved to a location more accessible for repair crews.

  • Scott Township - Adding a backup power source for customers living in the area to speed up restoration when outages occur.

  • Greenfield Township, Scott Township and Taylor Borough - Upgrading and replacing aging equipment at substations in the areas of to improve dependability and allow for more efficient remote operation and outage restoration.

  • Replacing about 100 utility poles with newer, stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along approximately 313,000 feet of power lines and removed nearly 600 trees to reduce tree-related outages in the region.
  • Mount Joy Borough, Lititz Borough, Lincoln Borough, Kinzer, Hempfield Township, East Elizabethtown Borough, Cocalico, Donerville and Leola - Installed, upgraded or replaced smart grid restoration equipment to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • East Lancaster, Ephrata Township, Manheim Township, Marietta Borough and Reamstown - Made substation equipment upgrades to improve dependability and efficiency.

  • West Hempfield Township - Made equipment upgrades to allow for more efficient remote operation and restoration on the system when outages occur.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Ephrata Township, Lancaster Township, Leola, Mount Joy Borough, Paradise Township, and Martic Township - Making upgrades to and replacing 11 smart grid devices to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.
  • East Lancaster, Landisville and Lititz Borough -Making substation equipment upgrades to improve dependability and efficiency.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along 313,000 feet of power lines and removed nearly 600 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Heidelberg Township - Upgraded a smart grid device to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Heidelberg Township - Making substation upgrades to improve remote restoration when outages occur and better identify the cause of outages, which helps speed up restoration.
  • Heidelberg Township - Replacing 1.5 miles of the electric system with stronger power lines and upgraded poles to better withstand severe weather.

  • Lebanon County - Continuing to strengthen the system to better withstand severe weather by replacing aging poles with stronger poles.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along more than 500,000 feet of power lines across the county and removed about 230 trees to reduce tree-related outages.
  • Strengthened distribution lines over three circuits with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

  • Coopersburg and Zionsville - Completed equipment upgrades to allow for quicker restoration when outages occur.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Coopersburg - Rebuilding more than 13 miles of distribution lines with stronger poles and electric cable and relocate some areas of the line from wooded sections to more accessible areas.
  • Coopersburg and South Slatington - Upgrading almost 10 miles of line with new poles and stronger distribution cables in densely wooded areas at higher risk of tree-related outages.

  • Coopersburg - Rebuild more than 13 miles of distribution lines with stronger poles and electric cable and relocate some areas of the line from wooded sections to more accessible areas.

  • Lehigh County - Replacing aging equipment within seven substations and upgrade technology at six substations for more efficient outage restoration.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along approximately 34,000 feet of power lines and removed nearly 1,600 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Hazle Township - Made substation upgrades to improve remote restoration when outages occur and better identify the origin cause of outages, which helps speed up restoration.

  • White Haven Borough - Moved about 1 mile of power line to a more accessible area to allow for more efficient repairs when outages occur.

  • Laflin Borough, Mountaintop, Salem Township and Sugarloaf Township - Upgraded and replaced aging substation equipment to improve dependability and efficiency.

  • Avoca Borough, East Hazleton, Mountaintop, White Haven Borough and Wilkes-Barre - Upgraded smart grid devices to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • East Penn Township - Strengthened the electric distribution with stronger utility poles to better withstand severe weather.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Mountaintop and Wilkes Barre: Making substation upgrades to allow for more efficient remote operation and restoration of the system when outages occur.
  • Mountaintop - Upgrading automatic switching equipment and joining several electrical circuits together to allow for remote restoration of power outages and provide backup power for customers in the event of an outage.

  • Avoca Borough, East Hazleton, Pine Ridge, Wilkes-Barre, Wright Township and Yatesville Borough -Installing and upgrading smart grid equipment to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • Continuing to harden the system to better withstand severe weather by upgrading 100 poles.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along nearly 375,000 feet of power lines and removed approximately 2,500 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Fairfield Township, Hughesville Borough, Montoursville Borough and South Williamsport Borough - Upgraded substations to improve remote restoration when outages occur and better identify the origin of outages, which helps speed up restoration.

  • Jersey Shore Borough, Loyalsock Township, West Piatt Township and Williamsport - Upgraded smart grid devices to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Jersey Shore Borough and Loyalsock Township - Upgrading substations in to improve dependability and efficiency.
  • Hughesville Borough and Williamsport - Upgrading smart grid devices to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along nearly 650,000 feet of power lines and removed about 880 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Bartonsville, Canadensis, Gilbert and Tobyhanna Township - Made upgrades and replaced aging equipment at substations located to help improve dependability and efficiency.

  • Gilbert and Stroudsburg Borough - Upgraded smart grid restoration to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • Strengthened the electric distribution system with 10 new, stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Effort and Gilbert - Upgrading substations to allow for more efficient remote operation and restoration of the system during power outages.
  • Tannersville - Replacing aging substation equipment and upgrading technology.

  • Stroudsburg Borough - Substation upgrade to allow for more efficient remote operation and restoration of the system during power outages.

  • Gilbert, McMichaels and Stroudsburg Borough - Upgrading smart grid restoration equipment to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • Monroe County - Replacing nine utility poles with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along more than 500,000 feet of power lines and removed about 230 trees to reduce tree-related outages in the region.
  • East Greenville Borough and Upper Hanover Township - Upgraded smart grid restoration equipment to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Upper Hanover Township - Upgrading smart grid restoration equipment to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along nearly 375,000 feet of power lines and removed approximately 2,500 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Mahoning Township - Replaced utility poles with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Derry Township - Upgrading a substation to improve remote restoration when outages occur and better identify the cause of outages, which helps speed up restoration.
  • Danville Borough - Upgrading and replacing aging substation equipment to improve dependability, efficiency and restoration when outages occur.

  • Mahoning Township - Continuing to strengthen the system to better withstand severe weather by replacing poles.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along more than 500,000 feet of power lines and removed about 230 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Strengthened distribution lines with stronger poles and replaced aging equipment to better withstand severe weather.

  • Replaced and upgraded equipment in 17 substations to improve reliability.

  • Bethlehem Township, Bushkill Township, Freemansburg, Lehigh Township, Lower Saucon Township, Moore Township and Northampton Borough - Upgraded or added automatic smart grid switches in multiple areas to improve our ability to restore power remotely and efficiently during outages.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Lower Saucon Township - Replacing approximately 11.5 miles of power lines with more resilient wire, with portions of the line being moved to areas near roadways that are more accessible for repair crews when outages occur.
  • Lower Saucon Township - Moving about 7 miles of overhead lines underground to reduce tree-related outages.

  • Lower Saucon Township - Upgrading substation technology for more efficient outage restoration.

  • Bethlehem - Adding a new substation to support additional energy use by the Wind Creek Event Center.

  • Bethlehem, Lehigh Township and Lower Saucon Township - Upgrading and replacing aging equipment in four substations to improve dependability and efficiency.

  • Replacing about 100 utility poles with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along approximately 34,000 feet of power lines and removed nearly 1,600 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Point Township and South Milton - Upgraded smart grid devices to improve remote power restoration and reduce outage duration.

  • Coal Township and Delaware Township - Made substation upgrades to improve remote restoration capabilities when outages occur and better identify the cause of outages, which helps speed up restoration.

  • Delaware Township - Upgraded and replaced aging substation equipment to improve dependability and efficiency.

  • Little Mahanoy Township and Lower Mahanoy Township - Installed smart grid equipment to help better identify outage locations and reduce the number of customers affected when outages occur.

  • East Cameron, Little Mahanoy and Shamokin townships - Strengthened the electric distribution system with new poles to better withstand severe weather.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along approximately 488,000 feet of power lines and removed about 420 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Bevenue, New Bloomfield Borough, Newport Borough, Shermansdale and Spring Township - Upgraded or installed new smart grid devices to provide the most up-to-date technology that allows for remote power restoration when outages occur.

  • Shermansdale - Made substation equipment upgrades to improve remote restoration when outages occur and better identify the location of outages along the system.

  • Strengthened the electric distribution system by replacing aging poles with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Spring Township - Making substation upgrades to allow for more efficient remote operation and restoration on the system when outages occur.
  • Bevenue, Newport Borough and Spring Township - Upgrading smart grid devices that allow for remote restoration when outages occur.

  • Newport Borough - Replacing about 4 miles of power line and moved some parts to areas more accessible for repair crews.

  • Continuing to strengthen the system to better withstand severe weather by replacing aging poles with stronger poles.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along nearly 650,000 feet of power lines and removed about 880 trees to reduce tree-related outages in the region.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Lackawaxen Township - Replacing aging equipment and upgrading technology at two separate substations to improve dependability and efficiency.
  • Lackawaxen Township - Upgrading and replacing smart grid devices to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along approximately 34,000 feet of power lines and removed nearly 1,600 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Butler Township and Pine Grove Township - Strengthened the electric distribution system with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

  • Orwigsburg and Pine Grove - Upgraded and replaced aging substation equipment to improve dependability and efficiency.

  • Butler Township, Norwegian Township, Pottsville, Rush Township, Schuylkill Township and West Mahanoy Township - Upgraded smart grid devices to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • Rush Township - Installed smart grid equipment to help better locate outage locations and reduce the number of customers affected when outages occur.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Cressona, Hegins, Norwegian Township, Pine Grove Township, Rush Township, Schuylkill Township, and Tremont Township - Upgrading smart grid devices to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.
  • Cressona and Norwegian Township - Relocating sections of power lines along heavily wooded areas to areas with less risk for tree-caused outages and making them more easily accessible for repair crews when outages occur.

  • Butler Township and Pine Grove Township - Continuing to strengthen the system to better withstand severe weather by replacing poles.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along nearly 375,000 feet of power lines and removed approximately 2,500 trees to reduce tree-related outages in the region.
  • Beavertown Township and Middleburg Borough - Installed smart grid equipment to help better identify outage locations and reduce the number of customers affected when outages occur.

  • Beaver Township - Upgraded a substation to improve remote restoration when outages occur and better identify the origin of outages, which helps speed up restoration.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along nearly 375,000 feet of power lines and removed approximately 2,500 trees to reduce tree-related outages in the region.
  • Hughesville Borough - Upgraded substation equipment to improve dependability and efficiency.

  • Benton Borough and Hughesville Borough - Upgraded smart grid restoration equipment to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Benton Borough - Installing additional smart grid restoration equipment to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.
  • Benton Borough - Making substation upgrades in the Benton area to improve remote restoration capabilities when outages occur and better identify the cause of outages, which helps speed up restoration.

  • Benton Borough - Replacing about one-third of a mile of overhead power line with underground line that has a high risk of tree-caused outages.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along more than 370,000 feet of power lines and removed about 2,500 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Strengthened the electric distribution system by replacing aging poles with new, stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Clifford Township - Making substation upgrades to improve remote restoration when outages occur and better identify the cause of outages, which helps reduce outage duration.
  • Elk Mountain - Upgrading smart grid restoration equipment to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • Continuing to replace aging utility poles with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along nearly 375,000 feet of power lines and removed approximately 2,500 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Hartley Township and Limestone Township - Upgraded smart grid devices to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • Hartley Township - Strengthened the electric distribution system with stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

  • Limestone Township and New Columbia Borough - Installed smart grid equipment to help better locate outage locations and reduce the number of customers affected when outages occur.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Hartley Township - Additional smart grid upgrades to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.
  • Hartley Township - Continuing to harden the system to better withstand severe weather by replacing poles.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along nearly 650,000 feet of power lines and removed about 880 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Strengthened the electric distribution system by replacing more than 20 aging poles with new, stronger poles to better withstand severe weather.

  • South Canaan Township - Upgraded smart grid equipment to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Bethany Borough cable replacement: This project will include the replacement of approximately 12 miles of overhead distribution line to reinforce areas at higher risk of tree-related outages. Some of the line will be moved closer to the roadway to improve accessibility for repair crews to help speed up restoration during outages.
  • Bethany Borough - About 450 feet of overhead lines will be replaced with underground lines to eliminate the potential for outages caused by vehicles striking poles.

  • Newfoundland - Approximately 4 miles of power lines will be replaced with an upgraded, more resilient line to reduce tree-related outages.

  • Newfoundland and Paupack Township - Upgrade smart grid restoration equipment at seven locations to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

  • Paupack and South Canaan Townships - Upgrading substations to improve remote restoration during outages and better identify their origin, which helps speed up restoration.

  • Continuing to strengthen the electric distribution system with stronger poles and more resilient cable to better withstand severe weather.



We completed the following reliability work in 2024 to help improve your service:

  • Trimmed trees and limbs along nearly 650,000 feet of power lines and removed about 880 trees to reduce tree-related outages across the region.
  • Upgrading smart grid restoration equipment at three locations to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.

Looking ahead, more reliability improvements are planned:

  • Installing smart grid restoration equipment at nine locations and upgrading similar equipment at three locations to improve the ability to restore power remotely when outages occur.
  • Dalton Borough - Replacing approximately 4.5 miles of distribution line with stronger cables to reinforce areas at higher risk of tree-related outages. About 0.5 miles of overhead power lines will also be moved to a location more accessible for repair crews.

  • Scott Township - Adding a backup power source for customers to speed up restoration when outages occur.

  • South Abington Township - Moving about 160 customers to a more reliable section of line to reduce the length of outages.