These sketches provide rules for single-phase underground service. Specifications for overhead service are at the bottom of the page.
Sketch 1
Triplex service drop attachment on building
Sketch 1A
Pages 1 & 2 - Secondary service drop attachments
Sketch 3
Secondary service drop attachment to a mast attached to low building to provide required clearances
Sketch 4
Secondary service drop attachment on temporary structure for construction
Sketch 5
Overhead secondary service drop attachment to customer-owned service and meter pole for overhead distribution.
Sketch 6
Overhead secondary service drop attachment to customer-owned service and meter pole for underground distribution. 600A max.
Typical arrangement of instrument transformers and mounting for installation in instrument transformer cabinet.
Single-phase 120/240 volt or 240/208 volt, Network - 800 to 1200 ampere, single-phase 240/480 volt 600 to 800 ampere
Sketch 25
Secondary service meter base connections for self-contained meters overhead service. 100 and 200A.
Sketch 25B
Secondary service meter base connections for self-contained meters overhead or underground service. 400A
Sketch 26
Multi-meter installation using meter base with factory built-in bussing
Sketch 28
Secondary Service Multi-Meter Installation for Common Service with Instrument Transformer Cabinets and/or Meter Bases
Sketch 42
Multi-meter installation for overhead service drop attachment for mobile home court
Sketch 44
Service drop attachment to customer-owned service and meter pole for a mobile home
Sketch 47
Customer wood pole
Sketch 49
Connectors to be provided by the customer for serving a single point of connection for multiple enclosed service entrance conductors
Sketch 49A
Connector to be supplied by the customer for providing a single point of connection. Multiple overhead service entrance conductors.
Sketch 55
Clearances between gas facilities and electric meters
Sketch 55A
Clearances between objects and electric meters
"Requirements for Service to Customer-Owned Street Lighting Systems. SE rate."