How We Keep Lines Clear

Reliability improves significantly by reducing tree-related outages

Reliability improves significantly by reducing tree-related outages. Through our comprehensive line clearing program, we’re determined to reduce the number of power outages for everyone.

tree trimming to help reduce power outages

We strive to remove hazard trees – those trees outside of the right of way that pose a threat of falling and damaging a power line. These trees are removed with permission of the property owner. Property owners who decline to remove hazard trees may be liable for costs if an identified hazard tree is that not removed subsequently damages a power line.

neighborhood powerlines

The distribution system delivers power directly to homes and businesses. The goal is to create a large buffer between our lines and nearby trees and eliminate more potential outage threats. In some cases, crews may need to remove all vegetation under and above a power line. Read more

transmission lines

The transmission system transports high-voltage electricity over long distances. The vegetation work we do depends on the voltage of the line as well as the specific rights we have for each property. Read more


Herbicide Use

Why does PPL Electric Utilities use herbicides?
Herbicide use is an important part of our program to keep your electric service reliable.

  • Safe and effective.
  • Approved by the federal Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Minimize physical impact on right of way.
  • Applied selectively to preserve compatible species.
  • Applied by certified contractors working on the ground.